Chapter 2

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The most beautiful boy stood there. I must of had too many drinks, but it all felt real. His soft brown curls tickled the back of my neck as his strong hands started to explore. The song changed and lots of people went to get a drink. I turned to face him.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asks me.

I nodded, quite unsure of what was going on. I turn to Jane, but she already saw. Her mouth was wide open in disbelief. I turned back to see him walking over with two drinks in his hands. I quickly tuck a strand of my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. He hands me a cup and I thank him.

"So, um, why are you here?" I spit out, not really sure what to say.

"A break." He mutters.

"From what?" I ask him.

"Things," he replies. "But it doesn't matter."

As things got a little awkward I slowly turn away and sip my drink. People were taking pictures of us talking.

"Um, well I have to get going sorry." I stutter.

"Why so soon love? The cameras getting to you?" He asks as he wraps one hand behind my waist and pulls me into his broad chest.

"I have to go." I rip myself away and stumble to the entrance. As soon as I got to the door I heard a familiar voice.

"Before you leave, would you mind telling me your name?" The mysterious boy asks.

"Kel." I almost whisper.

"Well in case you were wondering I'm Harry." As quickly as I came in, a girl takes him by the hand and he gives me one last look before stumbling out onto the dance floor.

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