Chapter 1

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First day of college. Groaning, Castiel looked at the clock. He had 20 minutes. He was nervous. Why was he nervous? Angels weren't supposed to get nervous. It might have something to do with the fact he was going to school. Gabriel had always looked after him so Cas had never gone to school before. He never really saw it as necessary. But with Gabriel on a mission of heaven Cas had promised to his older brother that he would try and be normal, and that involved college. Castiel had spent the last few months with Gabriel learning how to hide his wings and he hoped that he was prepared enough to make it through the first day. The house felt empty without the presence of Gabriel. It felt cold.

10 minutes.

Cas pulled on his tan trench coat and peered outside. Cas sighed inwardly as he saw fat rain droplets falling heavily from the sky. He looked up at the sky and whispered, "Really?" Cas locked the door behind him and stepped into the rain. He cursed under his breath as he felt the cold-water splash on his face. Cas pulled his coat tighter around his fragile body and started walking. The rain dripped down his face and the hair stuck to his forehead but Cas was too nervous to care at the time.


Dean Winchester woke up to his alarm clock. He rolled over to hit the snooze button and lay back on his bed. Sammy would already have left. Dean sat on the side of his bed and looked around his messy room. There were empty beer cans on the floor and clothes scattered on his chairs. He pulled an old pair of blue jeans from the bottom of one of the many piles of clothes and found a simple black t-shirt to go with it. His hands went up to his neck to check his amulet was still there and as usual it was.

Dean walked downstairs and looked out of the window. Rain.

"Son of a-"

Dean grabbed a left over burrito from the fridge and walked out of the house. He smiled as he saw his baby in the driveway. His baby was a beautiful black '67 Chevrolet Impala. It used to be his dad's but when she broke down John gave her to Dean as a present saying,

"If you can fix her, she's yours"

Dean spent months slaving away and bringing her back to near perfect condition.

He sunk into the driver's seat and breathed in the old musty smell of the leather. He started the engine and drove to school.

Dean arrived on time for once and glanced at his timetable. French first. Dean groaned and stuffed his timetable back in his bag. College was going to suck again this year. He trudged to class and looked around the room. He spotted a seat right at the back of the class and made his way over. He dumped his bag and looked at the boy who was sat next to him. Dean hadn't seen him before and wondered why anyone would willingly move here.

Cas sat at the back of his French class. He couldn't help but feel nervous if people could see his back. He couldn't wash away the feeling that he was doing something wrong and the people behind him would see his wings and that he would let Gabriel down. Cas had promised Gabriel he would try and be normal and Cas was going to make him proud. He couldn't give up however hard it was. He couldn't fail. He couldn't-


The voice caught Cas by surprise and he looked up. He turned to face where the voice had come from. Sat next to him was a boy. Cas had seen that could have sworn he recognised that face from somewhere but he couldn't put his finger on it. And it wasn't a face you forget easily either. The boy had piercing green eyes and messy brown hair that was slightly spiky. Light freckles danced on his nose and cheeks.


"You new here I'm guessing?"

"Um yes. Just arrived"

"Well I'm Dean. Dean Winchester. Pleased to meet you."

Castiel squinted his eyes. Winchester.... something about this boy was familiar.

"Hello Dean. My name is Castiel."

"Castiel eh? Isn't that an angel name?"

Cas felt his heart stop for a second. He searched for an answer but none came.

"Sorry if I offended you or anything it's just my little brother is a bit of a nerd and he's interested in these kinds of things."

Cas relaxed. He was oblivious. OK.

"No it's fine. It's the angel of Thursdays actually." Cas smiled at Dean.

Half way through the lesson Cas could feel his wings getting sore. He needed to stretch them. "Just hold out until the end of class" Cas kept telling himself.

The bell rang to signal the end of the lesson and Cas hurried out. He needed to go somewhere private and fast. His wings felt heavy. He had never had to hide them for this long before. How he was going to survive the school year, he didn't know but he would cross that bridge when he got there. Right now all that mattered was getting to somewhere quiet and empty. He ran to the back of the building hoping to find some privacy there.

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