Chapter 12

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There is another Destiel story in the works so keep your eyes open for it on my profile. 

actually getting kind of emotional about ending this story. First fanfic so it's like my baby ;(

Anyway forget about my inner turmoil and enjoy the final chapter.

An hour later Dean emerged with a new plaid shirt and the newest book in a series Sam was reading. Satisfied he got back in the car followed by an exhausted Cas.

“I hope you are happy Dean because I hate shopping.”

“Hey it wasn’t that bad. I’m a fast shopper.”

“Hmmm.” Cas raised his eyebrows and smirked. “the only thing that made it tolerable was you being there.”

Dean smiled and pecked Cas on the lips before driving (well over the speed limit) to the flat Sam was sharing with Jess.

When John died, Sam sold the family house and decided to move in with Jess. Dean knew Sam was waiting for the right moment to propose and Dean had a feeling today might just be the moment and god knows he didn’t want to miss it.

They parked outside the flat and Dean fixed his hair in the rear-view mirror. He quickly fixed Cas’ hair; again, ignoring the protests and the two went to the door.

A smiling Sam opened the door.

“Dean! I thought you’d forgotten!”

“No way Sammy!” Dean laughed and hugged his brother.

Sam closed the door behind the pair and they walked into the living room.

“Dean! Cas!” Jess walked into the room smiling. “Sam thought you’d forgotten or you had a massive hangover and couldn’t be bothered.”

“Sammy you have such low expectations of me!” Dean looked at Sam with mock hurt. Sam just shrugged. Dean handed Sam his presents and the four of them got into the impala and drove to the restaurant.

They ordered and chatted. Even Cas loosened up and laughed along.

“Damn. I left my phone in the car. Dean can I have your keys you know I feel empty without it.”

Dean sighed.

“C’mon Dean don’t be such a loser.”

Dean was suddenly awake at the use of the codeword. Loser was a code Dean and Sam had come up with when they were small it basically meant they needed help. If John ever got out of control all they needed to do was work that word into a sentence and the other one would come and help calm John down.

“I don’t trust you with my car. I’ll come with you.”



The two boys walked out to the car.

“Right what seems to be the problem?”

“Dean turned to Sam who was nervous as hell.

“I want to propose to Jess but I haven’t got a clue what to do.”

Dean mentally punched the air at this news.

“Right ok Sammy. Calm down. Breathe. Good. Now just do what feels right because I know you can do it. Just remember, be cool she’s gonna say yes.”

Dean slapped Sam on the back and they walked back to the restaurant.

“Find your phone?” Jess’ face lit up when Sam came back.

“Uh... yup!” Sam smiled and sat down again. Cas looked at Dean quizzically and Dean nodded, a look of excitement and pride in his eyes. Cas smiled as he realised what was going to happen.

They finished their meal and as they were waiting for dessert Sam stood up.

“I would like to make an announcement. Jess, I love you more than anything in the world and now that we have been together for a long time now and I would be honoured if you would be my wife.”

Sam got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. Jess had her hand over her mouth and was blushing like crazy.

“YES! Of course I will marry you Samuel Winchester.” She smiled as Sam slipped the ring onto her finger. They kissed and the restaurant clapped. Sam sat back down next to Jess his hand still holding hers and slowly everybody went back to his or her own conversations.

“Congratulations!” Cas smiled at the beaming couple. They finished their desserts and piled back into the impala. Dean dropped Sam and Jess back at their flat.

“Congratulations you two love birds.” Dean and Cas said their good-byes and drove back to Dean's flat. The two walked into to Dean’s living room and they both flopped down on the sofa.

“Dean, why do we even have two flats? I mean I stay at yours almost everyday now.”

Dean smiled and looked over at Cas.

“Ok. There’s just one condition.”

Cas looked at Dean with a hint of confusion. But realisation dawned on him as Dean pulled out a small silver ring from his top pocket.

“Castiel you fell for me and I fell for you. Will you marry me?”

“Dean I thought you’d never ask!” Cas looked at the ring Dean had placed in his hand. It was simple and silver but it was the most beautiful thing Cas had ever held in his hand. He looked on the inside and there was an engraving.

You gave me hope.


Cas thought back to their first evening together. He remembered Dean’s words

When I saw you because I felt like there was hope again


He also remembered his own answer.

You gave me hope in my hardest time and I am not leaving you. I won’t abandon you. I promise.


Cas smiled as he slipped the ring onto his finger.

“You know that I didn’t understand what kept me so calm when I was up against Michael. I knew it was something about you but I couldn’t figure out quite what.”

Dean nodded and moved closer to Cas.

“Well I think I know what it was.”

Cas leaned in and placed a kiss on Dean’s lips and smiled.

“I guess you gave me hope.”


Thank you again everyone for reading and please keep reading my work love you all!!!!!

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