Chapter 3

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I have been busy with stuff sowwwyyyy! this one's nice and long so ENJOY! Dedicated to Bethany because she's the reason this story is even published.

Dean had seen Gabriel around town before and always thought he was a bit of a jerk. He was always pulling pranks on people and Dean lost count of how many times he wanted to punch that smug smile off his face but watching him now, holding his little brother, Dean saw the older angel was just another protective older brother who would do anything to keep the attention and trouble away from his little brother. Dean could relate definitely. Dean thought back to when he had done the same for Sam. He slid the last piece of French toast onto the plate and placed it on the coffee table in the living room. The two angels looked at him sceptically.

"Give me a chance guys! Mechanics was not my first careers choice."


"So Dean, do you have any brothers?" Gabe asked curiously as he helped Dean with the washing up.

"Um yeah, a little brother, Sammy."

Gabe stopped drying dishes for a minute to look Dean in the eyes.

"Dean... what is you're last name?"

"Winchester." Dean was really puzzled now.

"Oh. Makes sense."

"What? What makes sense?"

Cas looked on from the doorframe.

"Your father, John, is a very good hunter. We have angels constantly check up on him. He is destined for good things you know."

"Well he's no good at being a father." Dean started angrily scrubbing the plate as if there was dirt on there that only he could see. Gabe looked at Cas who shot him a warning look.

"You know, I know what it feels like to have a father abandon you, Dean."

"Wait... God?"

"Yeah... I also know what it feels like to have to raise your little brother. We're on the same boat here Dean. Don't hate your father. Just remember to be proud of yourself for doing the right thing ok?"

"I know. It jus gets a bit much sometimes."

"Well I am trusting you to take good care of my baby brother as well ok?"

Dean nodded.

"Right Cassie, I'm off. Thanks for the toast Dean. Not bad at all!" Gabe winked and in a flutter of wings the angel disappeared.

"Sorry about the marbles btw..."

Cas scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's OK your brother's not that bad. There's an English lecture in half an hour if you feel up to it? I'll drive."

"Sure." Cas flashed a grateful smile and looked Dean in the eyes. For the first time, Dean properly looked Cas in the eyes. Cas' eyes were so blue Dean's breath catch in his throat as he felt himself get lost in them. He snapped out of it and grabbed the keys to the impala. "Right lets go."

Dean sat outside the school waiting for Cas. He found himself thinking about his bond with the angel.

I guess you gave me hope (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now