Chapter 7

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Sorry for not updating! Busy times! This one's short but hey... enjoy!

Dean drove Sam to The Roadhouse as fast as he could where he was greeted by a worried looking Ellen.

“Oh my God boys are you OK? I heard from the guys inside. Crowley? Your daddy has a damn lot to answer for on this one.”

Dean helped Sam out of the car and the two walked into the warmth of the Diner. Cas and Gabriel were sitting at the bar with a beer in their hands.

Gabriel helped Sam off to the side to heal him and Dean walked over to Cas.

“Well, I’m glad you guys worked that one out...” Cas grinned nervously.

“I would never have let you die. I would have given my own sorry life instead.”

“Don’t say that.”

Dean shrugged and sat down next to Cas. He noticed Ellen off to the side on the phone.

“No John... No. It’s not ok! Get your sorry ass back here now... I don’t care where you are!... hmhm... Your boys need you now... well maybe they don’t exactly want you here- but you damn sure owe them an apology.” Ellen slammed the phone down and walked over to Dean.

“Your father I swear...”

“Ellen. It’s ok.”

Ellen just raised an eyebrow.

“You guys in a fight again?”

Dean looked guiltily at the wooden counter.

“What did you do this time Dean?”

“No it’s not like that! I didn’t do anything this time! All I did was fall in love.”

Dean flicked his eyes over to Cas and Ellen laughed.

“Well, well, well! So you must be the unlucky victim!”

“I like to think I’m very lucky actually and-“

“Cas, it’s a joke.”

Cas nodded and shut up.

“Cas’ people skills are a bit rusty...”

Dean was trying to force down giggles as he saw the confused look on Ellen’s face.

Dean opened his mouth to explain. If anyone could take it, Ellen could, but just then the door of the diner burst open and John walked in.

“Winchester! So you decided to turn up after all!”

Ellen crossed her arms and looked disapprovingly at John. Dean turned his back. John looked around the room. Dean was in deep conversation with Cas most likely to avoid talking to anyone else. John could see Cas’ reassuring hand on Dean’s thigh and felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Dean was happy but John didn’t fit in that perfect picture.

Sam was over to one side talking to an older guy who John didn’t recognise.

“Ah! Brilliant! All the Winchesters plus angels all in one place! Dreams do come true.”

Crowley appeared behind John and everyone turned to face them.


John looked confused at Sam who looked in turn at Dean who gave Cas a “Sorry” look.

“Well yeah... Hasn’t el Deano filled you in on this yet? Tut tut Dean secrets...”

“The time never came.” Dean mumbled.

“Well I will explain. Cas and Gabriel over there are angels. And I was going to enjoy killing little Cassie over here but your two boys had other ideas. John I’d appreciate it if you would leave. You’re rather useless.” Crowley let out a bored sigh. John stood still, slightly dumbstruck by all the new information he had just been given.

Cas stood up.

“Fine. But you have to promise to leave these boys alone forever. Never come back.”

“Cas no!”

Dean grabbed Cas’ hand but Cas pulled it away.

“No Dean. You never wanted this and you don’t deserve it. You deserve a normal, happy apple pie life. Just promise you won’t forget me.” Cas felt tears well up in his eyes.

“I can’t do this Cas.” Dean spun Cas around and kissed him. The kiss was filled with need and hunger but at the same time defeat. Tears fell between their lips and eventually Cas broke the kiss.

“Dean. Be happy for me ok?”

“I can’t be happy without you.”

“Excuse me while I go and be sick.”

Both men glared at Crowley.

Cas straightened up and faced Crowley. “Do it.”

Crowley walked slowly towards Cas, angel blade in hand. He raised the blade above his head and Cas closed his eyes.

And in that split second something in John switched. Something about the lost look in Dean’s eyes as Crowley raised that blade. Something about the broken look of pain on his son’s face made him move. He moved faster than he ever had. He whipped the demon blade from his jacket and ran towards Crowley. Just as John was about to stab Crowley in the back the demon turned around and both knives simultaneously pierced the chests of the two men.

“I guess we both got what we deserved.”

John twisted the knife once and Crowley was gone. John fell to his knees.

“Dad!” Dean ran to his father.

“Dean don’t ever think I didn’t appreciate you. You were the best brother Sam could have wished for and you made me proud. I am happy for you. You got it right. You know that your mother always used to say angels were watching over you and I guess she was right.” At that Dean felt the last breath leave his father’s lungs.

“NO!” Dean’s tears fell freely onto the hunter’s chest. Dean turned to Cas. “Fix him!”

“I- I can’t Dean. It’s an angel blade there is nothing I can do. I’m sorry.”

Dean stood up and turned to Ellen. 

“We should give him a hunter’s funeral.”

Ellen nodded and motioned for everyone to follow her to the back of the diner. Dean and Sam carried the body of their father out together. Of everything that could have happened nobody expected it to happen quite like this.

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