Chapter 6

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DRAMA IN THIS CHAPTER! This is dedicated to everyone who was at Wembly last night and I hope you all know I am more than jealous of you all. 

After a few weeks Dean started to get back in the swing of things. Who cares if John didn’t approve? He was never there anyways and as long he had Cas nothing else mattered. After a month Dean dropped out of college to work full time at the garage. He used the money to buy a small flat near Cas. Sam visited every so often and Dean and Cas spent all the time they could together, between jobs and school.

Dean heard the doorbell of his flat go at the same time as it did every Saturday. He slipped the last pancake onto a plate and placed it on the table.

“It’s open Sammy!”

 Dean heard his brother close the door behind him and motioned for him to sit down at the table.

“Where’s Cas?”

“He had a lecture. He’ll be back around 2.” Dean shrugged.

“Dad’s on a demon hunt.”


“Just thought- never mind”

The two boys ate their pancakes in silence.

Sam had sent John Dean’s new address the day he moved in. Sam was trying to keep the family together but at the same time part of him was saying there was no point. Dean was happy how he was and at least that way they were out of danger.

“I’m meeting Jess in ten minutes.” Sam finished his pancakes and placed his plate in the sink.

“Jeez man, get going then!” Dean shoved his laughing brother out of the door to go and meet his girlfriend. Dean closed the door chuckling. If it wasn’t for Dean, Sam would be starving and homeless right now.

“And girlfriend...less.” Dean added in his head.

Just as Dean was walking back to the kitchen he heard banging on the door. Confused, Dean opened the door. Cas ran into the room in a panicked flurry.

“Dean, there is something bad coming. And it’s coming for me!”

“Woah woah woah! Calm down! Slow down and explain.”

“I don’t know Dean but I can feel it. Something has happened and now another something is very pissed off.”

“But why is it after you? You haven’t done anything.”

Cas started to get more panicked

“It’s getting closer!”

“It’s ok.” Dean pulled Cas into a protective hug. “I’ll protect- CAS?!”

Dean looked around wildly. Cas had gone. His arms were empty and there was no sign of the angel anywhere.

“CAS!” Dean was screaming now. Tears fell down his face. This could not be happening. Dean took a deep breath. He had to get his thoughts together. Stressing out was not going to get Cas back. He started to piece together everything he knew. Which he soon found out was very limited.

He heard no wings so Cas didn’t leave of his own accord and it can’t have been Gabriel.

Dean let out a frustrated sigh.

I guess you gave me hope (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now