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Wayne POV

My baby is a 2 months today and I'm so proud to be apart of bring her into this world I love that girl so much and I thank the almighty for blessing us with her I just stood at the door way looking at them I can't help but smile, the way Keshana takes pride in taking care of Walana makes me want to just want to wife her right now, but she deserves the best nothing less and that's exactly what she'll get.

Keshana POV
I woke up to Wayne stearing at me with a smile competing with the sun, glaring through the window I couldn't help but to return one.

I got up and give him a kiss on my way to use the bathroom and I began to feel so nervous, because today is the first time I'll met Wayne's parents in person I've seen them on Skype and in pictures speaking to them on the phone they are so nice, modest, well spoken makes me wonder if Wayne is a blow child or đrop child, but I'm not going to let this feeling take the best of me not today.

I started making Lana a bottle and prepare things to make pancake and bacon with custard porridge for breakfast when Wayne came down stairs with Lana.

Her bottle is on the counter, I said

Ok, I wonder what mommy's making for breakfast Lana, Wayne asked Lana.

All you had to do was ask, I laughed.

So what you making, he laughed.

You'll see, I said smiling.

Hmmm, that's all he said.

I was finishing up breakfast when I looked up at the clock to see the time and it was now striking 8 o'clock Wayne and Lana was watching cartoon when I called him for breakfast, he put Lana on the sofa with pillows around her so she wouldn't fall and we sat, ate and talked about the things we had to do today. After cleaning the kitchen and straightened the downstairs I woke Lana up give her a bath, lotion her body and put on the pink babyphat suit, bootsy and hat, and back to sleep she went.

I cleaned up the our rooms, while Wayne did something in Lana's room when the door bell rang, so I ran downstairs to answer it, when I opened the door there stood Wayne's parents, his brother and his sister I give them all hugs and invite them in

Make your self at home Walana just fell asleep let me go get Wayne. I told them.

Warren POV
My mom is all tense up when she saw Keshana open the door, and she wasn't dressed in formal clothing like she does, dad was happy to see her he didn't care about those things, Wanella she didn't care either it didn't matter what mom said, "hey guy" my thoughts were cut off by Wayne.

My mom put on a fake smile and hug him and we all greeted each other
"Where is Keshana", dad asked.

She's upstairs taking a bath she was busy all morning, we weren't expecting you guys so early, Wayne said

I know but we said why not come and spend the day if you don't mind, Dad Ask.

No...that would be great, Wayne said unsure with a weak smile, I know exactly how he feels one whole day with mom HELL NO not in my book.

Then Kesh came down stairs with my niece I love my niece so much she is an angel.

We talked a little which of course mom wasn't a part of, then me Wayne and dad went into the back yard.

Waylee POV
From the way I see Wayne and Keshana look at each other I know that there love is unbreakable they just lift up that tenseness in the room causing everyone but my wife to relax but she isn't the lady of my concern right now.

When I got to the back it was so spacious, with low cut grass nicely painted picknick table set and beach chairs with swingers and a well toiled patio all I could think about was a family barbecue.

Not a bad Idea Warren nock me out of my thoughts I didn't realize I was thinking out loud

Yea... let me run this to Keshana's I'll be right back Wayne said heading inside.

Keshana POV
Wayne came inside, babe let's do a family barbecue, all excited let's keep a family barbeque.

I looked at him like 'boy are you crazy' right now?

Yea family and close friends only I promise.

I thought about it then I said why not it wouldn't hurt to have family around

He huge and kiss me like his mom wasn't even there, I haven't seen Wayne this happy since after Walana was born.

Mama Fay had Lana so me an Wanella went into the kitchen to prepare for this barbecue we didn't have to really buy anything because we always shop like we're having a party I don't know why.

Wanella POV
Girl I love how you got this house and my brother under your control, we both laughed, while kesh take the meat out the freezer I was looking for the seasoning and stuff for the meat, they were so much that I couldn't even decide on one they had everything you could think of I do love this girl she must really love to cook because her kitchen is up to standards.

Momma came in the kitchen and helped me out because I was lost then she took out potato and macroni and rice and all the stuff to go in it and she went to work then she said she'll be right back and she ran up the stairs and came back went to mommy and told her where Lana room was and momma went with her new fund love
30 minutes later Sasha came she greeted us we talked a little but she wasn't her self she wasn't talking much but I left it alone about two o'clock that afternoon we were finish cooking

Sasha POV
We were all outside having a good time it really warmed my heart to see the two family get along I was sitting next to Kevin's girlfriend but she didn't look too comfortable so I asked her if she was ok and she said she don't know anyone here and stuff so we talked a little and I realized they go to the same collage she lives in a fancy community with her mom then Kevin came and I went inside to use the washroom on my way in the house I saw Malik he saw me and look the other way he was with his boys, I shook it off and went on with my business on my way back out I herd them talking

Wayne : Malik, why don't you just settle down with Sasha.

Malik : Man Sasha is nice girl, she is too self centered, stuck up, miserable and she's is not wife material man.

Wayne : If you say so you got to know man I'm just tell you, you letting a good girl go

Malik : whatever happens, happens

By now I'm already drowning in my own tears because I'm in love with Malik and he don't even care about me I give him my all and he just don't give a shit about me.

Malik POV
When I turn and look at the door I saw Sasha staring at me with tears in here eyes at that point I know that I messed up...... I have never seen Sasha cry, i mean never she always cover it up by saying something smart.

Get the fuck up and go get that girl, Wayne said. Thumping me in the head.

I got up and ran after her, all that was playing in my head was you fucked up she is never going to forgive you man, FUCK!!!!!
When I got outside she was already in her car driving away. I started to panic and freak out because I love this woman so much and I'm too scared to admit it to my friends, how I feel about Sasha is way beyond what i can explain, I'm such a coward.

I ran back into the house I heard Keshana calling me but I can't face her right now. " wat happened Malik?" Keshana said. I didn't mean to hurt her, I'm sorry with that I walked out the house, got into my truck and drove for hours. Until I found myself parked outside of Sasha's apartment, and sat there until I have built enough courage to talk to her.

Knock Knock Knock
The door sung open, her eyes were blood red and puffy with tears running down, I was so angry with myself for what I did. "w-what... do you.. want.....M-Malik?" Sasha said in her crocked voice. I'm sorry Sasha I didn't mean to hurt you but I did and I accept that it is hard for me to tell you that I'm in love with an amazing woman...........

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