The Reality

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Keshana POV
Im now 6 months pregnant and I'm so frusteated, tired of always eating and waking up in the middle of the night i just can't wait to get my baby girl im tired

Wayne POV
I'm on the phone in my office transacting some business on the phone I have a big project and I'm getting it together

Wayne!!! Wayne!!! Keahana shout from up stairs

Honestly Keshana ia getting on my nerves always eating and making a scene about everything and always emotional, but I got up and went upstairs to see what she wanted

Yes Keshana

Babe im hungry I want subway
You are not getting any subway there is fruit salad in the fridge and and mom sent food so you'll eat that and no more fast food and with that I left the room

Keshana POV
Is this nigga serious he's going to depeive me of eating what I want this isn't going to work for me I need to talk to him
"Wayne you cannot tell me what I must and must not eat I don't tell you what you must and must not do"

"Shana I'm not going to have this conversation with you, you need to eat more healthy"

"For your information I do eat healthy if you didn't know but I need to eat what my baby wants."

"Baby look I don't want to argue with you today so please eat healthy so the baby can be healthy and you can be healthy."

He has a point, I do need to eat healthy so maybe I should try my best to do so

I went into the kitchen open the refrigerator and there was a whole lot of food that his mother sent I took out the salad and went to the living room and watch the today show

Malik POV
I came through the door and saw Shana sitting on the couch watching television I went and sat next to her

"Hey Malik." She said

"Hey sis how and my god daughter doing in there?"

"Im trying she is a handful but im hanging in and I know Wayne is feeling the pressure."

"He got to hang in there don't worry about him he's a man he can deal with it,"

"Yea so what's going with you and sasha she would not talk about it?"

"Nothing is going with us we just got our differences and she always have an attitude."

"Hmmmmm... the two of you need to deal with your issues.""

"She doesn't speak to me any ways so you don't need to be stressing about us,"

"ok Just promise me you guys will work it out."

"I promise to try my best but i will take a long time though. "

"Yes it will take time to get through to her."

Wayne came downstairs "I'll be back in a few hours babe call me if anything."

"OK babe later," and he and Malik left.

Keshana POV

I called Sasha and we talk for hours then my mom came over and we had a long talk then she left so i went to sleep because I had a bad headache

At 12:00 in the morning i herd the door close then I realized that Wayne isn't here so it had to be him when he came into the room

You now come home Wayne

Yea sorry I lost track of time

Ok well good night

Short but bare with me

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