My Sisters Keeper

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When I set eyes on my sister I was literally knocked out of my body, I stared at her for about 5mins, I didn't know how to react to the situation and could see the fright and disappointment on her face she did even speak she just let me in.

"You have 6 seconds to think carefully of the truth before you open your mouth to lie to me." I said to her.

But I have promised my sister that no matter what I will always represent her , stand by her side. So she really had so explaing to do at the moment.

"A few months back I had a big exam to right and I studied really hard for the exam and I still didn't pass the exam and I was set on giving up because if I could pass this one subject I will fail the whole course and I didn't want to disappoint you guys so I was really terrified so I went out to get a drink but I endedup at a club I met a guy and he told me nice things, baught drinks for us danced with me and stuff, I really began to feel saying maybe he is the one. After we left the club we wen..."

"So you went to his place had sex with him, got pregnant for him dropped out of school, he doesn't want shit to do with you so you lied to my face even though we told each other everything?" I cut her off.

"Malik I wa.."

"Answer the Fu.. question." I corrected my self after cutting her off as calm as possible.

"YES.. but he's going to take care of his child that's all I asked of him." She answered.

"How far along are you?"

"8 Months." She answered

"So what are you going to tell mom and dad?" I asked her.

"I'm not going to say anything, you could tell them if you want... I'm not going back there to hear how big of a disgrace I am to this family.
I am going to get me a job and I am going to take care of my child and that's final."

"Well this is your life and I am not going to judge you for what you did but I will support you no matter what. I LOVE YOU sis."I told her honestly.

"Malaysia if you ever pull that stunt again I am going to wip your ass my self pregnant or not, you hear me. " I told my sister in all seriousness.

We talked and she told me about the whole pregnancy how tough things where with her how she missed home and mom and how disappointed she is with herself and what she did, how big of mess she is and how she is the e-cup of the family

"Let me tell you something Aysia you are my sister, you are a King we don't give up no matter what comes our way in life we must experience somethings for reasons beyond our eye sight,beyond our vision and imagination and it is to set us for the future for all the things we will in counter in our life to come so you should embrace all of the things God throws your way, ok.

9:00 pm

"Hello" I answered my ringing phone.

"Hey what's up, just checking in on you. " Calvin asked

"Im ok I guess, my brother is here." I told him.

"Oh, how did that go?"he asked.

"Better than expected," I answered.

"Good I'm glad that went well , one less to worry about right." He told me

"I guess so but I really do miss my parents, and going home you know, it's just me alone out here I have no one here Cal. " I said as tears began to fall.

"Mal, I am truly sorry for putting you through this I wished I had wrapped it up properly, I am really and truly sorry" He said from the heart.

"It's ok, this boy is my blessing so I don't regret it." I told him.

"Yes he is in deed I wish I had handled this differently you know, " he said.

"what do you mean, differently in what way?" I asked curious as to what he ment.

"Meaning I should have made you my woman," he explained himself.

"Calvin..... I do not want you to think that you owe me that because you don't it is ok I'm ok we are ok just the way things are, ok." I assured him.

"................ I have a day off tomorrow could we spend the day together?" He's asked me.

"yea that would be great." I told him.

"I'll be over in the morning ok, have a good baby, and tell my son I love him ok." He said all excited.

"Ok I will do that, good night Calvin. " I said before hanging up.

I cried myself to sleep thinking about the position of my life as it is, until I was awaken by a sharp pain shooting through my body.
When I look around I was laying on my bed soaked with blood the last word escaped my mouth was MALIK!!before I blacked out.

I woke up with a bad feeling so I went to check on Aysia, when I got to her room she way laying in a pool of blood past out I was so freaked out but managed to call an ambulance.

2hours later I'm sitting in the hospital with no response about my sister, I called my parents, my brother and Keshana and they are all on there way here.

I am so scary that something could go wrong with my sister or even the baby, when my thoughts were interrupted,
"Who's asking? " ,
"I'm Calvin the the father of the child Malaysia is having. "
"Oh so you are the fuck boy that got my sister pregnant"
"I am afraid so."
"What do you want l don't have a high tolerance level?"

We talked a little and I realized that he cares quite alot about my sister but she is quite a nut to break, getting through to her is quite a task and always have been.

Now i'm sitting here for six hours and not a word my family has arrived half an hour ago so I went to the front desk again for the fifth time and the woman there said she doesn't have any information when I got back to the waiting room the door was now approching

"The family of Malaysia King?"
Calvin and Malaysia in pic

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