Shattered Screen!!

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Sasha POV

I Slap!! Malik and slam the door in his face what makes him feel that he can just apologize and I would just fall back into his arms like it is all OK HELL NO!!!, i mean I LOVE HIM yea but i can't be with someone who can't admit that they love me and are too ashamed to say it.


I cried my self to sleep I didn't want to speak to anyone i was too heart broken ashamed crushed and vulnerable to deal with anyone right now.

Keshana POV

Wayne what the hell happen because i kept calling Sasha and she wouldn't answer the phone and I'm getting really worried.

"its not my business to tell you babe" Wayne said not once looking up at me, when he saw the look my face he instantly got the message and started talking.

So you are telling me that you sat there and listen to him talk down my girl like that when you very well know that those things weren't true.

"Tell me what was i suppose to say Keshana?" Wayne said.

I don't give a damn you best get him before I do because if I do you wouldn't like what is left of him trust me.

Wayne POV

The look on Keshana face alone made me realize how serious she was, she was so angry I've never seen her that angry i know Sasha was down for her girl like that but I didn't Know Keshana was down for Shasha like that and with that she left leaving Walana with my sister who was sleeping over.

I have to go talk to my boy he needs to get his shit together like right now.

RING!! RING!!RIN..... "yea" Malik answered in a course voice.

Yo like what the fuck is going on cause Kenasha want to take your head off for her girl

"If that would ease my pain and make Sasha feel better where she at?" Malik said.

I didn't know you down like that for her, why in heavens name you said all those low down shit for then if you are in love with her.

"because I'm a coward and i was trying to hold out on my feelings because this what I'm feeling is a lot to process for a nigga like me" Malik said beating up himself.

shit i hear you dog but you need to let her know how you feel cause this shit is going to get worse trust me on that.

" I know but I don't know what to do" Malik said.

You best think of some shit feel quick ill be over in the morning so get your shit together.

"Ight I hear you bro, peace" Malik said.

Malik POV


I jump up from a hugh banging on my door I didn't even want to get up out of my bed, as i headed to the door all i can think about was Sasha.

I swung the door open and there was Keshana standing at my door ready to beat the shit out of me when the first slap connected Wayne ran up and grab her she was putting up a hell of a fight.

boy that slap woke me up for sure I was sitting at the island in the kitchening trying to process all that had happen from yesterday to now this is really getting crazy. when Wayne and Keshana walked in breaking my thoughts.

look Kes I didn't me..

" no you look I don't care to know how sorry you are as much as i want to beat the shit out of you I wouldn't but you need to do something about my girl because she is not doing too well, and if I have to come over here again it wouldn't end too nice" and with that being said she left.

"You know she is serious right" Wayne said with raised eye brows.

I just nodded, at this point I am about to do something that will destroy my pride.

Wayne was just starting at me like he could just see straight through me, like he already knew what I was thinking.

"So what's the plan?" He asked.

I need to let her know how much I love her, I told him

"How are you planning on doing that dude?" Wayne ask giving me his full attention.

"We need to do this big, I have no idea how but I know that for a fact." I said searching every inch of my mind.

"What about the old school reunion this weekend?" I said with a big smirk on my face.

" Hell yea!! If she was going though." I said after I spirit sunk again.

"What if I get Keshana to talk her into going?" He asked all excited.

"You know Keshana wouldn't do that, she don't even want me around her girl." I told him.

"Let's keep the faith bro, but if I get her to talk to you without killing you, you have to explain to her what really happened, I'm sure she will listen." Wayne try convincing me.

"It's worth a try, i don't see why not, I don't have anything to loose." I said with a little hope

Keshana POV

Sasha baby, you need to get up out of this bed and shake this off maybe we should talk to him boo hear what he has to say, you've been in this bed for three days you need to get up pull your self together and let him know you are stronger than he thinks.

You don't understand I'm in love with that bastard for years and he doesn't even acknowledge my love
He is so loving, sweet, sexy, and caring when we are at home but as soon as we step out in public I'm not shit to him.

Common Sasha you know better than anyone else that he loves you, yea he got a weird way of showing it you know he don't know much about showing love cut him some slack. Give him a chance boo atleast listen to what he has to say

Sasha POV

After Shana got me out of bed and forced me to eat she left because Wayne had to go work so she had To go take care Of her baby

I was just into my thought thinking about Malik....How big of a jerk he is.
How much he got me drunk on his love and he just don't even care that he made me an addict. His love got me on a high that their is no coming down from. I hate that I love him so...

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door

KNOCK!! KNOCK!! I sigh and mentally drag myself to the door only to see the man of the hour who shattered my heart of glass that I was doing such a gray job protecting until I let my guards down for Mr....

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