Okay so before I continue writing this post to my book which is definately going to pain me to write, I want to say,
Any content similar to other stories or any real or fictional people is completely coincidental and should not be taken as offensive or be considered abusive or as a means of bullying because again, anything similar to events or people (real or fictional) is completely coincidental.
I confirm, that the people I wrote as "Jas's FRIENDS" are real people whom I based off.
Jas Summers is in the life of someone in my life. Not me.
I would not ever, incorporate someone I know through a mean sense unless they asked, or I had permission for.
The people I based in this book were friends I had been with at the time and we were thinking about creating an adaptation story, so I decided to go for it. My friend, was interested in theatre like I was and she played the part as a generally rude person, a bully.
I thought it'd create a fun memory to make her that in my book.
She was OK with it.
I know more than one hailey, and karly was a completely made up character that I decided was in my book.
This book is a fan fiction/ Adaption to the movie "geek charming" which I stated in the description.
I have spent so many months creating something I would be proud of. And being in a dark time that I am now, and have been for a while,
It was something I felt absolutely enlightened about.
And having over 1k reads was not even the beggining to how happy I was.
I created the friends in the book to reflect how much they meant to me.
Bullying is a tough subject for myself, I've been a bully, I've been bullied I''ve experienced it but
I have always stood up for the ones who get bullied.To come back, to reading this story again and having my hope in the book absolutely crushed, it kills me.
As a result of the drama, I will be changing the names and redoing the epilogue to hopefully clear air.
To the people who thought I may have been hurting them, bullying them, and to the person who was most furious about it,
and to my friends who decided to say that their theory was true,
you are all wonderful people. I've had problems with everyone, I fight myself every day, over the fact everyone is absolutely incredible In their own way, shape AND form.
I believe in how beautiful, how nice hearted and how incredible everyone is and as much as I had a drama with people, putting them into a book would just show me as stupid.
I struggle with myself under the misimpression that I have shown hate to all of you through my book, which I will then again confirm is not true.
In the months of making this book I didn't know who I was, and I know half of me today, I see no reason to create it a rumour.
I have hurt and abandoned people lately, but I am doing it to try and help myself and others, I promise and swear to god.
The months of this book were full of laughs, tears, family troubles, friend troubles all the usual stuff you get growing up so please, its a small task I dont ask of much,
please forgive me and think of me as someone who would not commit any such act.