Chapter 3

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Angel POV.

The security man opened the door in then......... I saw the boys. Well for 1 second, because the other girls began to screaming so I cover my ears.

The 'crazy girls' rush to them and says something like:

"OMG I'm your biggest fan! Can I get a picture with you guys? Oh mah god I'm talking to Harry styles."

I'm happy for them cause they are meeting their biggest idol's.
But I didn't want to bother them so I stayed out the group watching them chatting with each other. Although Niall was alone..... Well then. Niall looked around, noticed me and walked toward me. Okay Angle stay calm...... Although I didn't need that cause I was calm.

"Hey little one!" He Greeted me.

"Hey Niall!" Suddenly he gives me a famous Horan hugs.

"Niall how much I want to hug you, I still need air.-" I said. He let me go.

"I'm sorry. by the way what is your name love?"

"My name is Angel. Why where you alone if I can ask?"

"O-oh I dont know, I'm not the populair from the band.... I guess." His eyes began to water.
Oh great job Angel you let him cry. I poked him and he looked at me with his watery eyes. God that broke my heart. I mouthed him 'not here, follow me.' I stood up and goes to his change room. When we sat down I said to him to continue.

"W-well I had a lot of hated cause of my my body wasn't fit like the other boys or my teeth aren't that great. And of course Harry is perfect and the other boys too." This time I almost began to cry.

"Are you crying Angel?" With concern on his face.

"Of course Niall, cause of your stupidness. I dont care how you look, you're a good guy and everyone who doesn't think that you're great should shame." I said. A little bit angry at the hatters. He chuckles.

"Yay the boy can smile again!" I happily. Now he begins to laugh, so do I.

"You're a good girl Angel. I mean it. It's awesome too meet a fan who doesn't care about how people do look from outside. And you made me not feel like Niall from 1D."

"Well thank Mr. Horan. Shall we go back to the others?"

"Sounds like a plan." But without saying anything he picked me up and carried me on his shoulders.

"What the? Niall what are you doing? I'm heavy, you will break your bones!"

"Are you kidding me? You are so light as a feather!" He said happily. At least this boy is happy again.

When we arrived the room everyone stared at us.

"Ummm, Niall what are you doing with that girl?" Liam chuckle.

"Oh you know hang out." He answered.

"Literally cause I'm hanging over your shoulders." I added.

The boys laughed at my comment. I looked around and noticed that the girls are gone. When Niall put me on the ground I felt a tap on me shoulder.

"Ummm miss, you have to go now." It was the same security guy.

"No Paul! Can she stay, pretty please?" Niall looked at him with puppy eyes. I chuckle he can be really cute with those eyes.

"If she doesn't distract you and if It okay with the other boys than she can stay I guess." He said looking up to the boys behind us. They nodded.

"Okay she can stay."

"YAY ANGEL CAN STAY!!" Niall shouted. Giving me a bear hug.

"Niall... Once again.... Air-" He let me immediately go.

"Sorry.... Again." He laugh nervously.

"Soooo angel is it?" I heard Zayn voice. I turned around too see the lads.

"Yup, that's my name." I said.

"Well then, my name is Zayn, and they are Harry, Liam and Louis."

"Hi!" They chirped happily.

"Hi!" I greeted back.

"So angel, were do you live?" Harry asked.

"Ummm, I live in Hilversum with my mom, dad and my big brother."

"What is his name and how old is he?"

"His name is Thomas and he is 16 years old."

"Okay and how-" but harry was cut off by Louis.

"Okayyyy enough questions for you Harry." Louis joked.

"I was just curious." He muttered.

"Its okay Harry.... You can keep going if you want." I said, made him smile.

"No I think the boys want to ask you a question too." He said smirking. I sat down next to Liam and Zayn and Liam put his arm around my shoulders so I made myself comfortable.

"Do you have any pets or something?" Liam asked.

"Hmm, I had a pet but he died 1 year ago."

"Oh, and what kind of pet was it? And what was its name?"

"It was a Dwarf hamster and her name was Janet. She was a crazy climber, I mean literally cause one time I was sitting on the couch and I felt something on my leg and then a saw it was Janet!" The boys laughed. Now it was my turn to ask a question.

"Soooo, what do you guys think about screaming fan girls or normal fans?"

"Oh well, screaming fan girl can some times be you know... It can sometimes make my ears deaf." Zayn said.

"But without them we won't be able to stand here and sing." Louis added.

After a couple of questions the boys have to get back on the stage.

"It was really nice to meet you guys." I said hugging them.

Niall POV.

"It was really nice too meet you guys" she said hugging us. Be honest I didn't want her too leave. She showed me that I have to be myself and ignore the haters. She turned around to look at me and she took my hand. Suddenly I felt something wet on my cheek...... Was i crying?

"Dont cry Niall." She dried my cheek.

"Just remember 'stay yourself'." I nodded. I really didn't want to leave her. But she have to go and by the way her mother is probably worried about were she is. But then I had a plan.

"Ummm Angel, do you have Twitter or Facebook?" I asked her.

"Um yes Twitter, @Angel_van_der_Belt  why?"

A minute later her phone vibrated.

'@NiallHoran is following you.'

"OMG Niall you didn't have to do that?!" She said hugging me.

"But I wanted to do that." I whispered in her ear. She let me go and said goodbye to us.

"Good luck with the show boys." She said before walked out the room.

"She was so amazayn!" Said Louis.

"She was also fabulouis!" Zayn said.

"You know what? I want to surprise her!" I said out of the blue.

"How?" Harry asked me.

"I dont know, but first we have a show to worry about." I joked.

'Can wait to surprise her......'



So here! Another long chapter yay! So are you guy curious about what kind of surprise it is? Well guess it! Also thanks for reading my book and it means lot for me.

Bye carrots! <3

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