Chapter 5

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angel POV.

When I woke up for the second time, I change my outfit into normal clothes. When I came downstairs I could see my father working at his laptop and my mother reading magazine's.

"Morning mom and dad!"

"Hi sweet cheeks." My dad replied.

I smiled. Remember the chat from this morning.

"And why the huge grin on your face?" My mother asked. Should I tell her the truth? Maybe not yet.

"Oh I through about yesterday, I had really a good time."

"Well I'm happy that you enjoy the concert darling." My mom said.

"But mom what did you do that night? Were you not bored?"

"Oh no, my sister was there too and we had a little talk."

"Oh really?! Hayley was there too? Aww man I wish I could talk to her." I mocked.

"Well maybe next time, why are you not calling Sam and Britt to come over?"

"That is a great idea mom!" And with that I walked to the phone and called Sam and Britt.

~10 minutes later~

"Meh!..." I waiting for like....hours. Like I said, I'm inpatient.....very impatient. Than the doorbell rings. Finally!!

"Hi!" I greeted them. I grab them both by the arms and rush to my room.

"Well is see someone is very very happy." Sam joked.

"Yeah why are you so happy Angel? Not that it's wrong of course." Britt asked.

"Cause I was yester by a 1D concert!"

"Okayyyy, I thought you weren't THAT crazy fan girl." Britt grinned.

"No, but I meet the boys for real!"

"REALLY?!" They screamed.

"Keep it down ladies there are some people who want to work!" My dad called from downstairs.

"Sorry dad!" I replied.

"Do you have a picture?" Sam asked.

"Ummmmm, yeah." I grab my phone from my desk and showed the pictures.

"OMG you just have a picture with Zayn that kissed your cheek!" She said excited.

"Yeah I know, he is a great guy and sometimes it feels like all the boys are brothers of mine." I said smiling.

"And this a funny picture when-" my phone rings. I saw Louis number.

"Who is 'boo bear'?" Sam asked.

"Ummm nobody." I said, grabbing my phone and pressed 'answer'.

"HIIIII  SWEET CHEEKS!" Louis yelled.

"Hi to you too Louis. Did you drink too much coffee?"

"Eeeewww coffee gross, no I drank tea." Louis replied.

"WITH A LOT OF SUGAR! LIKE 10 SUGAR CUBE'S!" I heard harry yelling in the background. I giggled.

"Louis are all the boys around you?"

"Yeah why?"

"Put your phone on speaker."

"Okay...... You are now on speaker." He said.

"HIIIII BOYS HOW ARE YOU?!" I almost screamed.

"Oh god Angel you dont have to scream, we can hear you." I heard Liam. Louis laugh.

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