Chapter 11

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(3 months later)
*Angel POV*

It was like 3 months ago that the boys and I met each other. Best time ever.

I was laying on my bed with my boyfriend. Justin.
(no dirty through please!)
Yes a lot of thing happen in 3 months. My brother came home and met the boys, Justin and I are together and everyone was happy about it. Well, Niall was not happy about and is still not happy about it. We heard knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said. The boys came in and looked at me with a serious look. Oh god, did I do something wrong? Niall looked at Justin and then at me and then back at Justin and sigh.

"Angel you know our 'vacation' is almost done, so we have to get back to U.K." Louis said, a bit sad. I looked at the ground.

"I know, I-I-I dont have problems with that. I m-mean I-it's your job after all." I fake smiled, trying to holding back the tears. But failed.

"Awww, dont cry Prinsess." Niall said, hugging me tightly. The other boys joined the hug. We pulled apart as I looked at the boys with a smile.

"When will you leave?" I asked them. They looked at the ground.

"Tomorrow..." Harry answered me with a mumble. My eyes widened.

"Tomorrow?" I asked myself.

"Tomorrow..." I repeated myself.

"I know it's very soon. But today we will have some fun!" Liam said cheering me up. I looked at Justin who's standing up and kissed my cheek.

"I will go, go have fun with the boys." He said winking at me and left.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked them. They were thinking, but then Niall whispered something in the boys' ears and they began to smile widely.

"Ummm, we have to do something.... Bye!" Zayn said, leaving the house with the boys without saying anything. Weird.

~2 hours later~

I'm worried sick now. Where the hell are the boys?! I saw a pencil and papers on my desk. And began to draw something. Maybe I could draw the boys as a goodbye gift.

~a moment later~

When I was done I looked at my drawings. They were actually pretty good. Then I heard a car parking in front of our house. I open up the window and I saw Louis throwing a rock into my room. I picked up the and it reads.

'Remember when you were exited for the concert? Step in the car!' I ran outside and saw the boys smiling at me.

"Step in the car!" Liam yelled. I did as I told.

"Were are we going?" I asked Niall who's sitting next to me.

"You will see." He said smiling at me. Zayn turned the radio on as we listen to 'c'mon c'mon.'
Niall gave me a another note, this time it read.

'Do you remember this moment when you were sitting in the car to our concert?' I smiled and nodded.

After 30 minutes sitting in the car, we were finally at the concert building. This time Zayn gave me a note.

'Go to your seat!' I ran to my seat were i was sitting 3 months ago. I noticed that there was a another note on this seat.

'Go to backstage.' I smiled again and walked to backstage. When I arrived there, I saw the boys standing and....... Niall sitting on the same chair as 3 months ago?

"What's going on?" I asked Niall sitting to him. Instead of answer me, he said.

"Go to my dress room." I walked to Niall's dress room and open the Door. I saw a huge wall with photos. Not just photos, photos from me and the lads. My eyes began to water as I looked at the pictures. I felt 10 strong arms around my waist as I began to sob quietly from joy.

"You guys are amazing. I just don't have words for this." I said. Then I remember.

"Oh I also have a gift for you guys." I said.

"But I want to give you a another gift!" Niall looked at me with those puppy eyes.

"No Niall, I want to give your gifts first." I said said giving them the drawing. They looked at it with shock on their faces.

"Well someone can draw better then Zayn." Louis smirked.

"Lou, dont ruin this moment please." Harry said smacking his arm playfully.

"They are beautiful Angel..." Zayn said. I smiled and gives him a side hug.

"Now Angel. I want to give you a gift." Niall said pulling a black box out of his pocket. He gave it to me and said.

"Open it." I did as I told and saw a beautiful necklace with a heart. I gasped.

"Oh Niall, you didn't have to do this." I said hugging him.

"Turn around." He ordered. I turned around as Niall puts the necklace around my neck.

"Now you dont forget us anymore." Niall said kissing my cheek. I looked at them and asked.

"Do you guys promise you dont forget me?" They looked at each other and nodded.

"We promise Angel..."



I'm so sorry this is the last chapter of this book. Maybe, but maybe I will make a second book.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this book. And also go check out my other books. Maybe that that interest you.


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