Chapter 6

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Angel POV.


'I was walking in the forest. I was beautiful. The birds are chirping, the leaves are lime green and the sun was shining. I suddenly heard voices from..... People? I walk to the voices and I saw a camp, I camp with 5 boys who were sitting in camp chairs. (A/N: I dont know how you call it.)

I remember those faces. They are the boys! They seemed to noticed me.

"Hey Angel, how are you?" Harry said.

"I'm fine Harry, how are you guys doing, in the middle of the forest?" I asked them.

"Well we camping here as you see, and you're right Holland IS a great land to rest." Zayn said.

"I'm happy that you all are here." I said smiling.

"And why that Angel?" Niall asked me.

"Cause in the past, before I met you guys, I always listen to your music." I paused. The were all looking and me and smiled.

"And sometimes it feels like I'm listen to my brothers music.... So the point is, that you guys feel like brother for me." I said while a tear from happiness rolled down my cheek. Louis pushed me into his lap, and dried my tear.

"Well we always feels like your our sister too." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled and lean against his chest and closed my eyes. And then darkness took over me.'

~end of the dream~

I felt somebody shakes my body.

" dont wake me up." I whispered.

"But I'm not your dad love." A familiar voice said. I first I was thinking of who's voice it's. But then I remember it.

'It was Nialls voice.'

My eye immediately opened if I look around the room. The boys, the boys are actually here?!

"What, when, how..." I said with a confused face, but fast replaced it with a very happy face. I hugged Niall.

"You are actually here." I whispered in his ear.

"Yes we are love." And he hugged back. God I love Horan hugs! When I let him go i stood up and gave the other a bear hug too.

"Well, do you like the surprise?" Liam said excited.

"I dont like it." I said with a Sirius expression on my face. Their faces were all sad.

"I LOVED it!" I said.

"YEAH!" They all said, giving each other high five's.

"Now change your clothes cause you have to go to school." Liam said......of course. I nodded and said to them that they have to wait down stairs.

When I was done with changing my clothes I took the stairs that lead me downstairs. (A/N: sorry for bad English.)

I saw my mom and the boys waiting for me.

"Hey mom!" I run to her and give her a hug.

"Hi sweety, did they surprise you good?"

"Yeah really!" I looked at the boys and they were all smiling.
I grabbed a bowl and put some cereal in. I ate that while the boys were playing on the Xbox, and screaming of course.

"NIALL COVER ME!" Harry yelled at niall

"SORRY, BUT I CAN'T! THERE ARE ZOMBIES AFTER ME!" He replied. I laugh so bad and Louis, Zayn and Liam had a 'try hard' expression on their face.
I was a bit bored and it was still 8:03 am and school is starting today around 9:00 am. So I have still 1 our to go. I saw Liam's cap and I decided to steal it, so I carefully sneak behind Liam and grab his cap off his head.

"Angel give me my cap!" Liam said without looking at me. I just shrug and put it on my head. When Liam looked at me me he said.

"Nevermind.... You look cute in that." He said with an 'Aww' in his voice.

"Thank Li." I said.

~8:40 am~

"Sorry boys but I have to go now, I see you around 2:45 pm Mkay?" I said putting Liam's cap off my head.

"No dont put my cap off your head, you looked so cute in that." Liam whinned.

"I'm so sorry Li, but I can't wear caps or hats in classes." I explain.

"Mkay." He said with a evil look in his eyes. I grabbed my bag and my bike and goes to school...

~at school~

"Hey Angel!" My friends said.

"Hey girls! You will never guess what happen this morning." I said.

"What happen then?" Sam asked. I looked around and said.

"Not here, lets go to the lockets." While I grab their arms we walked to the lockets. (A/N: I dont know how you guys call it.)

"Well? What is it?" Sam asked?

"Guess who woke me up?"

"Your dad?" I shook my head.

"Your uncle?" I shook my head again. Their eyed widened and asked in a whisper tone.

"The boys from 1D?" I nodded. The girls were about to scream but I quickly cover both their mouths to shut up.

"OMG I just..... Can't believe that you woke up with the boys in your room." Britt said.

"You better believe it." I joked.

Then the school bell rang.

"Time to go." I said.

~1:30 pm~

"Why do we have biology again?" I groan.

"Cause you have to, now shut up because I have to follow the lesson." Sam said.

"Okay class, open you book at page 167 and we are going to talk about plants and animals." The teacher said. And I follow the command.

"Okay before we start who had a great weekend?" The teacher asked. Of course Sam and Britt looked at me, but I shook my head to them with a 'I dont want to tell them' face.

"Nobody? What about you Angel?" The teacher said. Why is my luck soooooo tiny sometimes?

"Ummm well I-" but I were cut of by a males voice.

"Angel! There you are!"

'It was Liam..'

He walked up to me, but his cap of and placed it on my head. Everybody was in chock.

"Liam, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to bring you my cap, like I said you are adorable with my cap." I blushed. Not cause of what Liam said, but cause of my class mates who just looked at us. He notice that too but said.

"I hope I didn't ruin anything, teacher?" Liam asked to be polite.

"No, not at all. Angel was about to tell us about her weekend."

"Oh I can help with that." Liam said, grabbing a chair and sat down next to me. We talked about how our weekend was, and let me say.... No biology.
After biology we had one more class and I said goodbye to Liam.

"Bye Liam."

"Bye love, and keep wearing my cap." He warned me. I chuckle.

"I promise. But I really have to go now so are you, can you tell the boys I said hi?"

"Yes I will." He kissed my cheek.

My day is a lot of better now. Although after Liam leave the school, what can I say.... Like twenty girl began to ask me about my relationship with Liam. God stay by me....

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