Chapter 4

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Angel POV

The morning after the concert I woke up and saw on my phone that it was 2:47 am!

"Why can't god let me sleep...." I murmured  to myself. When I was about to turn my phone off, I saw a Twitter message from.... @NiallHoran  ?

'@NiallHoran: hey @Angel_van_der_Belt how are you? The boys and I are missing you already. )-,: '

I smiled at this message and replied.

'@Angel_van_der_Belt: wazzup @NiallHoran ! How was the show? My mom and I had to leave earlier. And how are the boys?'

'@NiallHoran: @Angel_van_der_Belt I through so, I didn't saw you anymore. Me and the boys are going great but we still have jetlag. Oh by the way, can I have your phone number so it is easy to have contact? The mine is xxx-xxx-xxxx. '

'@Angel_van_der_belt: of course @NiallHoran ! My number is xxxx-xxxx-x.'

A minute later u saw a message for Whatsapp.

Sup! I get yo number! -Niall.

Hey Irish boy! I have one question for u. - Angel.

And that is?- Niall.

When are you leaving Holland?- Angel.

Well not soon, cause this was our last concert for the tour. So we are celebrating our vacation here and our break is 4 month's.- Niall.

Sirius Niall! That is great, I can say that Holland is a great land to rest cause there are so many nature. Although is can be really cold here.- Angel.

Hahahah! I see, well if it is okay I gave the boys your number too. -Niall.

Wait what?!

'You have been added by a group.'

Hey little!- Harry

Hello darling- Liam

Vas appening ?- Zayn

Hi sweet cheeks!!!- Louis


Oooh she is angry Niall!- Zayn

No no no, I'm not angry but really surprised cause I'm texting with the whole band. It's very sweet Niall. Xxxx - Angel.

Thx Angel I'm happy cause you're happy, we have one question for u.- Niall

Where- Louis

Do- harry

You- Liam

Live?- Zayn

You mean like my address?- Angel.

Yes darling- Liam.

Oh my address is ******* - Angel

K thx.- Niall

Thank ya- Louis

Why?- Angel

Oh nothing we just wanted to know.- harry

Stalkers. XD- Angel.

Why are u so mean? D: - Zayn.

Haha, just kidding. But if you can excuse me I am really tired so I really want to sleep. - Angel.

Oh crap, of course It's still 3:09 am here. We are so sorry darling. Sleep well! <3- Liam

Of course Daddy direction. XD -Angel.

Bye- Niall

Bye!- Harry

Good night Angel!- Louis

Xxx- Zayn.

And with that I turned my phone off and go to sleep....

'I still wonder why they wanted my address?'


Hi sorry for this short chapter. Well it's shorter than the last one. But any way, I think you guys already know what is going to happen. Thank you fir reading this book and bla bla bla...... Luf you!

Bye <3

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