Chapter 8

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Angel's POV.

I looked at the boys.
I had no choice I have to explain them, and by the way, I think I can trust them.

"Ummm well, I have a special power for a long time, like 4 years ago when I was 9 years old. Be honest I have more powers then.... What I just did."

"Wait?..... You have more?" Niall asked me. I nodded.

"That is so cool, which do you have more?" Harry asked.

"I can turn into a animal, I also have element powers like water, ice, fire, earth and wind." I said and all the boy's mouth were open.

"C-can you show that to us?" Louis asked. I nodded and focused on fire. With one move with my hand and there was fire.

"Holy sh-..." Harry wanted to curse but Liam quickly covered his mouth. I giggled a bit and showed my other powers too.


Harry POV.

I was sitting on the ground. Just thinking.

I couldn't believe what i just saw. It's magic! I don't think there are other people who have THAT magic too.

I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I looked up and saw it was Angel.

"Hi Love." I said. She took a seat next to me said.

"Hi Hazza, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about your power... And you know, not everybody have that kind of powers." I said.

"True, it's kind of a gift that god gave to me." She said. I put my arm around her and pull her closer to me. She sigh and looked up. Her very green eyes meet mine.

"Can you sing for me?" She asked me.

"Of course, which one?" I asked her back.

"Surprise me." She answer. So I started to sing 'little things'.

"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh.

You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true,
It's you,
It's you,
They add up to
I'm in love with you,
And all these little things."

When I was done she smiled.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked her.

"Cause I like your singing voice. Its a little bit deeper then the other voices." She said. It's true, I have a deep voice.

"Oi harry and angel! What are you doing here?" We turned around and saw there the other lads.

"Hi lads, just talking." I answer them.

"Lets go home, Louis got a deep cut on his cheek from falling out the tree. And it's 5:45 pm." Zayn said looking at Louis, who's staring back with one hand covering his injured cheek.

We're all sitting in the car with Liam who's riding. Niall sat next to him. So that means Zayn, me, Louis and Angel were sitting in the back seat.

"Let me check you cheek Louis." Angel said looking at Louis cheek. Louis looked at Angel and asked.

"What are you going to do?"

"Let me just check it, please?" She asked again. Louis just nodded and put his hand away from his cheek. Oh my god, it looked pretty bad. I mean there was pretty much blood on his hand and his cheek is still bleeding. Angel gasps a little bit.

"Does someone has water?" She asked. Niall nodded and gives her a bottle filled with water. She opened it and in 3 seconds I saw floating water...... Totally normal... Not.
Louis bloody hand was surrounded by water just like he was wearing a glove. The water was glowing.

Wait, what?!

"Why is it glowing?" I asked but she did just shush me by putting her finger on my lips.
When she was done, Louis' hand was clean. Then she looked at his cheek. She puts her hand on his cheek. Louis whines a little bit 'cause of the pain, but then relaxed at her touch. His cheek started to glow too. Can someone just explain what it does?

"Angel what are you goi-" but Louis cut his self.
*Louis POV*

"Angel what are you goi-" I felt something. Something very weird, but it also felt good. I smiled a little bit so you have to look very closely to see me smiling.

When Angel was done she puts her hand back. All the lads were staring at me like I have something on my face, probably a scar.

"Yeah I know I have a scar.... Does it looks bad ass?" I asked to make it not akward.

"B-but you d-don't have a scar." Liam said looking from the mirror.... What?

"Zayn can I borrow your mirror for a second?" I asked the 100% confused Zayn. He nodded, grabbing his mirror and gave it to me.

Holy cows.....


Yay a another chapter! Well I hope you still have this book in your library. Cause yeah, why the hell not?


Q: who's your favourite band member?

A: well to be honest, I dont have a favourite I like them all.

And my question for u guys:
What is you favourite song?


Bye, see you in the next chapter!

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