Chapter 7

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Liam POV

I was walking to Angel's house. I saw a group of girls running toward me.

Oh god...

I began to run and the girls keep screaming. I saw a container and hide myself. Lucky for me the girls didn't find me.

When I arrived Angel's house I knocked at the door. Someone opened the door and I saw it was Aria.

"Hi miss van der Belt." I said.

"Hi Liam, and you know you can call me Aria." She said. As I enter the house, I saw the boys still playing Cod 2 (Call of duty 2) I sigh.

"Boys can we go outside? Remember Angel said there is beautiful nature." I said. They didn't look up. I sigh again and took a deep breath.

"BOYS CAN YOU TURN THE XBOX OFF AND GO OUTSIDE!!!" I yelled. Well lets just say: Niall felt backwards and Louis and Harry were hugging each other.

"Jesus Liam, you gave me a HEART ATTACK! Or should I said 'us'." Harry said. Niall get off the ground and said.

"Yeah, any way lets go to the Forrest! Angel said it's beautiful." I was twitching my eye from frustration.

"That was what I was saying, but you weren't listen to me." I said. We put our shoes on and our jackets. I looked at my watch. 2:45 pm! Angel is done with school!

"Hey lads we should pick up Angel and take her with us." I suggest. They all nodded in agreement.

When we arrived Angel's school we saw her walking out. I step out the car and walked toward her.

"Liam what are you doing here... Again." She asked.

"We are here to pick you up and take you to the Forrest." I answer her question.

"Sounds fun!" She said. She stepped in the car.

"Hi boys!" She greeted. Niall hugged her and put her into his lap and keep hugging here like a teddy bear.

"Hi to you too Niall." She said hugging him back.

~at the Forrest~

I stepped out of the the car with the boys and Angel. I looked around and I have to admit... It is beautiful.

"Wow!" Louis said with a 'awe'.

"Lets go!" Angel said excited and took zayn's hand. Zayn chuckles.


After 30 minutes we saw a small river and a beautiful tree.

"This has been mine favourite place since I was 11." Angel said. Then suddenly climbed the tree and my eyes widened so did the boys.

"Angel be careful." I said with my 'daddy 1D' voice.

"I will!" She replied.

"Hey are you a monkey or something?" Louis joked.

"Maybe, join me!" She said.

"With pleasure." Louis said and began to climb the tree. Angel helped him up.

I heard growls I turned around, but saw nothing. A couple minutes later I heard it again. But this time I saw a...... Wild Wolf!

"Oh Shit!" I said. So did the boys. Harry picked a stick up as weapon, but then Angel stood in front of us.

"Wait!" She said. She turned around, hold her hand out and began to walk slowly to the wolf. The wolf was still growling, not trusting her.

"Shhh it's okay, we are not going to hurt you." She whisper. And I saw her eyes turning green. What?! I looked to the other boys and they probably saw it too. What going on Here?
The wolf stopped growling, jumped on Angel and began to lick her.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" She laugh. The wolf get of her and she got off the ground. She looked at us.

"Oh crap.." She said.

"You got explaining to do." Zayn said.



Oh crap.... What going on with Angel? What will she say in the next chapter?
Also sorry for short chapter, like I said: school is started and I have barley time for writhing this story.
But the most important thing is that you enjoy these chapter!
Bye wattpad aliens!

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