Gay and... Daddies?

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It was the rise of a new day. The sun rising slowly into the sky, the birds chirping noisily from their nest on the trees, school buses horning and parents eagerly trying to get to work. It was a day like any other except for those four men.

Leon stirred on the bed, the feel of the soft comforters was sending him back into his dreams only to hear someone moan behind him. Normally, he would turn to spoon against the body because it would be his wife, but Leon knew deep down his wife was dead. He had accepted it, but never bothered to move on. He never even bothered to satisfy his needs except when it came to works. So who would be sleeping with him?

Opening his eyes, he squinted at the rays of sunshine that poured through the window and immediately knew something was wrong. Turning, he gasped the second he saw the person beside him.

He was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly. His forehead was beaded with sweat and Leon pulled the comforters off him so he could get some air only to see him in his boxers.

Leon was confused. What was a man doing in his bed, barely clothed? He shook him awake, no longer in the mood to answer the questions himself. Leon paused as the man stirred, opening an eyes as he scrunched his face in preparation for a yawn.

Staring at him, Leon wasn't surprised when the man yelped when he saw him and quickly rolled out of bed, falling helplessly on the floor.

Said man bounced back up again, as if he hadn't just hit his head to the floor, and gapped, confused at Leon. He did a once over and his eyes widened when he noticed the both of them had barely any clothes on.

"What-Why... Who are you please?" The man asked, quickly pulling comforters around him and leaving Leon without one on the bed.

Leon couldn't help staring at him. Maybe it was the way he spoke, like an English man or the way the sun reflected on his eyes, showing him those ever greenish eyes with flakes gold he had once seen.

Mesmerized by it, Leon let his curiosity take him closer to the man who rose a brow when he neared him. "Your eyes," he said, cupping the man's face and tilting it towards the light. "It's so beautiful."

The man cleared his throat awkwardly, taking a step back from Leon and giving him a pointed stare. "Thanks for the compliment, but who the fuck are you? I hope we didn't do anythin' because last I remembered, I was straight."

"Uh." Leon pursed his lips and ran a hand through his hair. Exhaling when he finally was able to put his thoughts together, he said, "The name is Leon and like you, I have no idea how I got here."

A look of relief seemed to come on his face and he exhaled, softening his gaze, but still holding the comforters to his body. "I'm Stuart and please tell me what is goin' on?"

Leon was about to tell him he was just as confused when they heard something downstairs. The men stared at each other and Leon knew the same thought crossed their minds.

They nodded and Leon moved out of the room to find what had caused the noise. He found the stairs and went down quietly in case it was a cat burglar. The stairs led to the sitting room and there was a door that probably lead to the dinning and kitchen. He went in in hopes of getting a knife only to see two kids bickering at each other.

"You give it to them. I've got school to go to." The boy said. He looked about fourteen with his figure. He had his black hair gelled and combed back and had his back to Leon so he couldn't see how he looked like.

"But I've got to go over to Mrs. Lynn's house so she can take me to school. You, give dad." The girl whined, pushing a small black package at the boy. She, on the other hand, was younger, probably six or seven.

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