Dating Men... After Marriage.

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Dear Experiments,

     How are you? Personally, we, The Gay Project, are in a bit of a pinch so this week's task would be something not so over the top. You are to go on a date on the 6th and 13th of December. Get to know each other and stuff. Not to worry, you can leave the kids at whoever's house you want.

     Update on your ongoing task which is the kiss to get money: The time had been upped to minutes and that means for every minute(60 seconds) you spend kissing, you will get 20 times the time.
The Gay Project.

Stuart had to sigh again.

     Leon had presented this to him and told him he had gotten it the day before from some mail man. To Stuart, the only thing he understood from the letter was the fact that they had to kiss for a longer time before they got the money. And if that wasn't enough bummer, Leon was directly asked to take him on a date. Like what were the Gay Project trying to say? That he was the woman?

"I hate this."

"You promised you weren't going to hold back." Leon sighed, joining him on the couch.

     Glancing at the Christmas tree by the corner of the sitting room, he sighed. "I'm not going to hold back. I just... I just don't want to be here, trying to be gay and taking care of kids. Why didn't they just bring already gay people? It would make this faster for them, wouldn't it?"

Leon shrugged, moving closer to Stuart saying, "I don't know what they were thinking. I guess the thought of us turning gay intrigues them. And they brought us here to prove gay parents are just as awesome as Straight ones."

"I didn't even think there was a problem with that. It's probably all these sexists who think there has to always be a mummy figure or a dad figure. I mean check out single parents. There's even only one of those figures raising the kid and most of them come out better than the kids with both. Like, isn't that enough proof?" Stuart turned back to Leon only to find him so close to him their shoulders were touching.

He would have moved away if he wasn't seated at the edge of the couch but luckily, Leon moved back a little. "Like I said, turning us gay intrigues them." He smiled and added as he stood up, "Anyways, I've got to head to my study. By 6pm, I'm taking you out on a date."

"You're really going to do it?" Stuart gapped at him.

Leon chuckled. "Why not? Plus, I get ask to them about my life out of this mess. I had a contract I had to sign and I can't remember the due date. If I can find that out and sign it then I don't mind going on a date with you. You aren't all bad when you are not being a bitch."

"Hey-" Stuart started but never got the chance to finish since Leon leaned down to kiss him. Unlike before, this no longer fazed him. He had gotten used to it to the point he didn't mind anymore. Of course he still never initiated it, but he no longer cared when Leon kissed him.

Pulling away from him, Leon smiled and said, "You didn't pull away first."

"I've gotten used to it."

"So if I kiss your neck and suck your nipples-"

"I'll stab you." He scoffed then leaned back on the couch. "We are definitely not on that level and never might be."

"Lord, you are such a party pooper." He chuckled. "If you need me, I'd be in the study thinking of how to get you out of all that clothing."

"Get outta here, you pervert." Stuart laughed, chasing him away by throwing a throw pillow at him.

"I know you want it." He yelled as he disappeared out of the sitting room.

     Stuart exhaled as he leaned back to take in the view of his well decorated sitting room. After the shopping the other day, the kids had woken up so early the next day to decorate what they could before school. Of course, Leon helped since he had slept on the couch that night. The minute Stuart had seen the tree, it had brought back a set of memories he had locked away somewhere in his mind.

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