Finding Him.

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His eyes opened against his wish and he started to sit up but someone pulled him back on the bed. There was only one person who would dare do that and Stuart sighed as he fell back on the bed and allowed Leon's arms to cuddle him in place. Leon hummed against his neck and that sent a cool shiver down his spine.

"Bloody hell," he grumbled as he turned and he heard Leon's low chuckle.

He was so real. His skin was as white as ever and the lustful glint in his eyes shone as it normally did on a good day.

"I miss you, Stuart," his voice was what felt like it wasn't there. It was cold and void of its usual teasing tone.

Stuart immediately broke character and clutched to his shirtless body. "I miss you, Leon. Please come back to me."

     A smile etched on his face. "Find me." It came out more like a whisper and he leaned his head down and as usual, Stuart expected a kiss but it never came.

He opened his eyes, not even remembering when he had closed it and gasped when he saw no one on the bed with him. Glancing around, he cursed loudly when he realized he was in the hospital but this time, as a patient.

Stuart couldn't remember what had happened after he took his fourth bottle of beer but if he had to wake up in the hospital, then he must have had an episode.

     Groaning in pain, he tried to sit up but his entire body felt heavy and he only fell back on the bed. Stuart wouldn't have mind and waited for the sedative to wear off but Leon wasn't with him and he hadn't returned back to his side even when he had promised to remain with him until he got his memories back.

    With that in mind, he took a deep breath before pushing himself off the bed. His legs shook but he managed to get it to walk out the door, and having stayed in the hospital for a week, it had become like a second home. And as much as he hated it, he loved how it helped him back to Leon's room. He had hit his head on the wall on the way and it had managed to clear his vision to the point he was able to see Leon's name on his door and opened it to see the man playing with the remote which was in his hand.

Stuart smiled and he closed the door behind him but when he took a step toward the man, he felt the sedative hit him with full force and his vision immediately blurred.

"Stuart?" Leon called and Stuart quickly followed the voice until he found him.

"Leon, I found you," His voice came out weakly and he searched the bed desperately for his hand. "I found you."

"God Stuart, are you on drugs? You shouldn't have left your bed." His voice was panicked and if he hadn't cupped Stuart's cheeks, Stuart would have lost his mind.

     Leon tilted his head back to him and Stuart reached his hands up to copy the act. He smiled and said, "I wanted to be with you."

"But Stuart-"

He never finished what he wanted to say or maybe it was just Stuart who decided then was the best time to pass out.


Andres checked his watch. 05:23pm. If Vlad said he was coming, well, he was 23 minutes late and if Andres knew anything about Vlad, it was that he hated being late. And that meant the awkward silent between him and Vlad's grandma was going to grow until she realized that her 'Vnuk' wasn't going to show.

He had sent the kids over to Stuart the minute she called and said she was coming over to have a talk with her 'Vnuk'. He wasn't sure if he was ready to have the kids eavesdrop as Vlad's grandma reduced him until he was nothing before her.

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