Welcome to Rainbow bay

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Vlad drew on his cigarette, loving the way it warmed him up, but annoyed by the fact that it gave him no reason why he was in the situation he was in.

First, waking up in the arms of another man had almost frozen him only to see that he had kids? Vlad kept laughing. He couldn't help laughing. First gay then daddies? What the fuck? Then he and his supposed 'husband' opened the package to see this was all just a fucking experiment.

Honestly, he hadn't been that terrified when he finally understood what was going on. Andres, his 'husband' had been cursing in some language Vlad didn't know. He, on the other hand, was very angry.

Vlad couldn't wait to see the other couple. Their expressions just had to be priceless.

Turning to his 'husband', he bumped his shoulder with him when he saw how depressed he looked. Vlad didn't know if he spoke much English because most of the time, it was in the other language.

"Don't be angry. Zis is just game. If we win, we leave. Zey better pay us for it." Vladimir said, taking the box with the information and task so Andres could stop staring at it like it destroyed him.

Vlad had no idea why he was even laid back. He hated having a family, now he had one. This was just going to be fun for him.

"We should call the cops." Andres repeated the same thing he had been saying since 'their' big girl, Gala, woke them up from where they were laid together, cuddling on the couch of their sitting room.

Vlad laughed loudly at that but got distracted before he could respond. Two men entered the café they were in and they seemed to make a brief eye contact him before looking away. Vlad got a weird feeling but ignored it as he stood to dispose of his cancer stick.

He came to sit back down just when the two men walked over to their table and introduced themselves.

The shorter one with adorable looking face started, "I'm Stuart and this is, um..." He trailed off as he stared at the man by his side. He was probably confused about how to introduce him.

However, the other man just brushed it off and smiled, "Hi, I'm Leon. His husband." He said it then froze. In fact, Stuart also froze because he hardly moved from where he stood as he looked baffled at Leon.

"Um," Andres must have noticed because he cleared his throat awkwardly knocking them out of their stupor and they looked blankly at Andres and Vlad. "I'm Andres and this is Vlad. I'm going to assume the both of you are the other couple." They nodded quickly and joined the table before Andres continued, "Great. So what should we do?"

"I say we do. Zere is no other way out." Vlad answered, leaning back on his table and picking up his Ice Capp to take a sip from it.

"Wow. Russian." Stuart nodded as if that was going to help their present dilemma. "It's liked they picked us from different countries. I'm from Australia. Leon's Canadian." Then he looked at Andres. "You are probably from somewhere in South America. You've got that Brazilian look."

"I would say sexy but we in time of crisis." Vladimir said, still sucking on his drink and loving how it made that slurping sound that looked like it annoyed Leon from the way his eye twitched.

"Could you stop that? It's a terrible habit." Leon frowned at him but quickly turned back to his 'husband' before continuing, "We should call the cops or something. They should be able to do something."

Andres had to reach for Vlad when he started choking on his drink from laughing too hard. He couldn't help it. And their annoyed faces just fueled him more.

"What exactly was funny Russian? What I suggested was reasonable, wasn't it?" Leon furrowed his brows in annoyance and Vlad desperately tried to bite back a laugh.

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