Chapter 3: Tell Me About Her

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Zephyr's POV

After a long and rather exhausting speed-walk through the woods that surround the wonderful island of Berk, I climbed atop Firestorm, who was ecstatic to get to stretch out her wings a little — especially after having walked with me through the woods for hours.

Firestorm stretched out her large, dark wings and quickly shot us up into the skies. I filled my lungs with the crisp air that was gathered above the misty clouds before Firestorm wanted to get a little risky and made the decision to perform a favorite trick of hers; the barrel roll.

We spun so fast in the skies that intense nausea hit me right in the middle of my eardrum-shattering screaming. Could you really blame me, though? It hadn't been too long since my fifteenth birthday, so Firestorm and I hadn't been companions for much time, unlike my father and his dragon, Toothless, who had been companions and best friends for a little over 20 years now.

Firestorm finally decided to give both me and my stomach a well deserved break, gently shifting over into a smooth gliding through the skies. I fought hard to keep my guts in their rightful place as I leaned forward and patted my dragon on the neck. "Good job, Firestorm, you did great! Although next time I would certainly appreciate a little less ... spinning."

Firestorm let out a series of sounds that made it seem like she was chuckling to herself. Moments later we were circling around the academy, where a familiar group of people had gathered, all busy doing what looked like ... maintaining their dragons?

Firestorm and I flew into the academy, landing right before the busy group of teens who looked like they had started a dragon spa. I raised a brow at the group as I slid off Firestorm, thankful that I was no longer in danger of having to experience another series of barrel rolls anytime soon. "I didn't know we were supposed to be cleaning our dragons today, what's going on?"

"Gobber came in earlier today and said that due to an increase in ... feces over at the stables, we had to do their weekly cleaning and pampering today so that we could help clean out the stables tomorrow or something. Anyway, what took you so long?"
Syver Jorgenson asked as he polished the horns of his acid-green monstrous nightmare, who was looking rather pleased with being pampered. I couldn't help but blush a little before I managed to pull myself back together.

I cleared my throat. "I ... I had a talk with my dad and well, it didn't end so well."

Syver raised his brow. "What about?"

It felt like a colony of butterflies had taken off in my stomach and were fluttering all around. Syver was the son of Snotlout Jorgenson and his wife Sarah. We had grown up side by side and I had been in love with him since what felt like forever, though I would never admit to that of course. A messy mop of raven hair sat atop his beautifully sculpted head. His bright green eyes matched the color of his dragon; Fangfire. He was a rather charismatic and charming fellow, which made everyone around him absolutely adore him within the first minutes of their conversation, much unlike his father Snotlout, who I'm told was (and still is) the exact opposite. Another thing that differed from his father was his height. At the age of 15, he was 5'10 and his lean build was definitely a result of many hours with weapon training.

"Oh no, you didn't ask him about ... you know?" Cortie, my best friend asked in a low tone, as if Syver even knew what we were talking about at all. I shot her a glare which resulted in her audibly gasping as she quickly realized what had happened.

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