Chapter 20: Chief To Go

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Astrid's POV

"Do you have to go?" I crossed my arms as I watched Hiccup stuff some extra clothing into the basket he was bringing along with him to his meeting.

A sigh escaped Hiccup as he closed the basket and leaned on its lid before he turned to look at me over his shoulder. "I'm afraid so. We have been planning this for a while, after all."

I shrugged before letting out a sigh as well. "I just don't get why I can't come with!"

Hiccup picked up his basket and carried it beneath his arm as I followed him all the way outside to where Toothless was napping in preparation for their trip. With a whistle, Hiccup awoke the night fury, who eagerly shot up and wagged his tail in anticipation for their flight ... until he saw the basket that is. "Toothless, don't be like that! It's not like you haven't carried any luggage before!"

After a lot of back and forth between the dragon and his rider, Toothless eventually gave in with a displeased grunt and allowed Hiccup to secure the basket to his side. Hiccup brushed off his hands before he turned to me with those same hands planted firmly on his hips. "Now, back to you. What was it you were wondering about again?"

I felt my blood boil in my veins at how he hadn't remembered the simple question I had asked him, but decided to let it go as I wasn't really looking for a big fight at the moment. "I don't get why I can't come with."

"Of course, you can come with, but you are the one person I trust most with the safety of the village, which is why I'd rather have you be acting-Chief while I'm away and make sure that the island isn't a block of cinders upon my return home."

I raised a doubtful brow at Hiccup. "I don't think Gobber would appreciate you saying that."

Completely brushing off my reply, Hiccup rambled on. "Besides, it's only three days. I'll be back before you even get the chance to miss me!"

The sigh that escaped me took all my pride with it, causing my shoulders to sink and my mood to drop as my vulnerable side was put on display. "But I will miss you. Hiccup, we've barely been apart since you and Zephyr came to my rescue all those months ago and now you're just ... taking off to the Haven Isles without me."

"I-I know and I'm so sorry," Hiccup stammered as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's just that there is a lot riding on me and their Chief getting along, which is why I'm afraid that you'll distract me so much I won't be able to focus on the task at hand."

Once again, I found myself crossing my arms as I arched a skeptical brow at my husband. "I don't know whether I should take that as an insult or a compliment."

Hiccup didn't even have the chance to defend himself as a familiar voice cut in and took all of our attention with it. "Dad!"

Zephyr threw herself into her father's arms, wrapping her arms tightly around him as if she feared something bad would happen to him if she ever let go. Trailing behind her was her new boyfriend, Syver Jorgenson, who had stopped at a respectful distance from his girlfriend and her father.

I might've been slightly miffed with Hiccup at that moment, but that didn't stop me from grinning at the two of them as Hiccup spun Zephyr around and hugged her back just as tightly as she was hugging him.

As the two of them began exchanging a few words, I found myself standing beside Syver, whose grassy green eyes were locked on my daughter and my daughter alone. "You really like her, don't you?"

Syver blinked in surprise as he turned to me. "Are you talking to me?"

I nodded in response as the boy adjusted his posture and cleared his throat. "I definitely do not just like her, it's much stronger than that, I think."

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