Chapter 28: You and I

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Hiccup's POV

A ray of sunshine shone in through the window, which was slightly ajar as it lit up our faces and brought that familiar sparkle into Astrid's ocean blue eyes. I wove my fingers into her hair as we silently watched one another from where we laid in our bed, gazes locked as we reveled in each other's presence. We had spent too much time apart, this was our time. Nothing was ever going to destroy our happiness again.

"I love you." I breathed as I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from her.

A playful smile danced across her lips as she rested her hand on my jaw, gently stroking my cheek with her thumb. "I know."

It had been a week since we had gotten back and although it had been a little weird between us those first few days after what had happened the last time we were there, things had much improved in the following days. We were back to where we were before I went to the Haven Isles, only this time there was nothing and there would never be anything that could stand between the two of us ever again.

"Hiccup, I've been meaning to tell you something." An absent-minded smile pulled at the corners of Astrid's lips as she traced my jaw with the tips of her fingers.

"What is it?" I smiled as I continued to run my fingers through her silky hair.

But instead of saying anything, she merely wrapped her slender and calloused fingers around my wrist, guiding my hand down to her lower abdomen where she let it rest. I raised a brow as a smile stretched across her face. "I'm pregnant."

My eyes shot wide open as the surprise hit me like a tidal wave. "Y-you are?"

Astrid nodded enthusiastically, smile still firm on her face. "Yeah, I had my suspicions about it for a while, but then I went to Gothi's yesterday and she confirmed it."

"Wow, this is ... amazing!" I chuckled as I pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "You are amazing."

A soft laugh escaped Astrid. "Do you think Zephyr will mind? It is rather unusual to get your first sibling at 15."

I shrugged as my mind wandered to my daughter, who I imagined was snoring gently where she laid stretched out like a cat in her bed. She had dreamed of a mother almost her entire life and considering how much she enjoyed spending time with some of Berk's younger citizens, I couldn't imagine a world in which Zephyr was opposed to a new family member. "She has felt so lonely for 15 years, I'm certain she will be thrilled to hear the news."

A relieved sigh escaped Astrid as she let her head sink further down into the pillow. "You have no idea how great that is to hear. What do you say we tell her at dinner?"

"I say that's a great idea!" A grin pulled at my features as I wrapped my arms around Astrid's waist and rolled us over so that she laid atop of me.

A shrill laugh escaped her as she struggled against my grip. "Hiccup!"

"I meant it when I said I'm never letting you go again." Astrid laughed at my comment as she playfully slammed her fists against my chest.

"You big knucklehead!" Astrid's laughing fit continued, but was cut short by a piercing scream coming from the village. We both jumped out of bed, exchanging looks of confusion as we looked to the other for any clue to what was going on.

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