Chapter 9: Some Things Never Change

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Hiccup's POV

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I glanced over at my two girls, my two beautiful girls who were busy chatting and laughing as they flew side-by-side with their deadly nadders, who seemed to be quite fond of one another themselves.

"Isn't this great, bud?" I asked my own dragon as I patted him gently on the neck. The dragon roared happily in response as he flapped his wings, bringing us further up into the skies where we performed a quick barrel roll before dropping down beside Astrid and Zephyr, who were in the midst of discussing their dragons.

"You know, if it's speed you're looking for, then you should try feeding Firestorm some chicken! Worked wonders for me and Stormfly, isn't that right, girl?" Astrid cooed at her dragon as she scratched her under the chin, receiving a happy squawk in response from the Nadder.

"Guess what we're trying when we get home, Firestorm?" Zephyr grinned down at her dragon as she patted her on the neck, to which the dragon squawked enthusiastically in response.

I smiled at the two of them for a moment before I realized what was on the horizon. "Ah, there it is. Home, sweet home!"

I gestured down to our island as all of our dragons became increasingly excited for the amount of fish they all knew would be waiting for them once they touched down. I caught Astrid curiously studying the island where we had all been born and raised as if this was her first time seeing it. "Gods, it's been so long since the last time I was here."

"A lot of things have changed." I pointed out as we flew in circles above the village, just so we could showcase the many changes that had been made to it over the past decade and a half.

Astrid blinked as she took in all the changes that had been made. "Wow, it's so ... different, but at the same time, not."

"Do you like it?" Zephyr asked as we all landed down outside our home, which was looking a lot better than it had the last time Astrid had been there.

Astrid gazed around in wonder as if the island was a completely new planet. "I ... yes, it's magnificent."

"We're happy to hear ye say that, lass, or else all of our hard work would've been for nothin'." Gobber grinned at Astrid as he and many of our other friends came walking up to us.

"Gobber!" Astrid exclaimed as she elegantly slid off Stormfly and threw herself into our old mentor's arms.

"Glad yer back, lass, it's not been the same without ye." Gobber smiled as he pulled Astrid even closer to him, a small tear sparkling in the outer corner of his right eye. I couldn't help but smile at the duo.

"Thank Thor! Does this mean Hiccup will finally stop nagging us all the time?" Snotlout inquired, which earned him a glare from me and a chuckle from Zephyr, Astrid and the rest of our friends.

"Some things never change, do they?" Astrid laughed, a laugh so genuine and so joyful my heart melted in my chest. Gods, I thought I would have to die before I ever got to hear that laugh again.

With Astrid busy catching up with the rest of our friends, I seized the opportunity to turn to our daughter, who was smiling to herself as she watched her mother — the mother she had always dreamed of — finally be a part of our lives again.

I wrapped and arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you, Zeph, for reuniting us with your mom."

"Anytime," Zephyr shrugged nonchalantly, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Anyone else you want me to reunite you with while I'm at it?"

I snorted. "Your mother was right, there's no doubt you're my daughter."

Zephyr wrapped her arms around my waist and gave me a warm and loving hug. "On a more serious note; I love you, dad and I just wanted to see you happy."

I squeezed my daughter back as I savored the moment, enjoying every second spent with the person who had been the light of my life for the past fifteen years. "Oh, you have no idea how happy you have made me over the years, Zeph, but getting your mother back? I suppose that makes me the happiest man alive. I love you, sweetie."

"Zephyr!" The voice of one of my daughter's friends ended the moment we shared as Zephyr's eyes lit up and she rushed over to her friends, leaving me standing on my own beside Toothless, who was kind enough to nudge my good leg with his head in a show of affection.

I patted Toothless on the head as I watched my daughter embrace all of her friends before she began retelling them what had happened. I smiled at her, my little girl who had grown to be such a beautiful young woman. Gods, was I proud.

"What are you thinking about?" A familiar voice snapped me out of my trance as I found myself eye-to-eye with my newly-returned wife, who seemed to have just finished making her rounds with our friends. I wondered when I would get used to seeing her pop up everywhere again ...

I shrugged as I slid an arm around her waist, eyes still set on the daughter we shared. "Just how proud I am of her and of the woman that she has become."

Astrid leaned her head against my shoulder as she too set her eyes on our daughter. "You did a wonderful job with her, I'm just sorry I wasn't there to help you."

I turned to Astrid with a smile. "But you're here now and to us, that's all that matters."

Astrid reciprocated my smile before she pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "You're too kind to me, Hiccup."

"Really? And here I thought I wasn't kind enough." I stated as a grin pulled at those wonderful, pink lips.

Before I even had the chance to react, my upper arm began aching painfully. I gasped in surprise as my good hand flew up to what I assumed would be my newest bruise and clutched it tightly. I turned to my wife, whose face had been lit up by a mischievous grin. "What was that for?"

"That was for being annoying and kind of dumb. And this," Astrid grabbed me by the collar and pulled me down so that our lips met in a sweet and tender kiss. "Is for everything else."

Another smile lit up my face as I wrapped my arms around Astrid's waist. "I guess you were right when you said that some things never change."

"Oh my darling Hiccup, haven't you realized it yet? I'm always right." Astrid grinned at me as we both burst out into laughter. Gods, how I had missed that woman.

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