You And Me: Infected.

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edited january 4th 2017

Lori, Rick, Myself, Carl and T-Dog were all crammed in one car, and ready to leave. Glenn, Maggie, Carol, and My Dad were crammed in another car. Seeing as there were a bunch of us, we would not all fit in one car. Daryl was even having to ride his bike, but it was evident he preferred that means of transportation.

I was falling asleep and waking up instantly for an hour straight.

"Shit." Rick said and hit the steering wheel with his palm. "What's the matter?" Lori asked and that's when revealed that our car was nearly empty on gas. That was not good, and Rick had to let the Glenn's car in front know that or we'd be left.

Rick signaled the rest of the group with a honk of his horn and soon the three vehicles were stopped.

"Why'd we stop?" Glenn questioned. "Low on fuel, real low." Rick answered and Carol had to butt in with the evident two sense. "We can't just stay here."

Carl, Rick, Lori, T-Dog and I would not all fit in Glenn's car. Until we had more fuel, it looked as though we had to stay here. "We can't all fit in one car, we're going to have to. Stay overnight and look for fuel or a new vehicle in the morning. Sun is setting, we can set up camp over there." Rick said and pointed to an abandon toppled place of bricks.

"Get some wood, make a fire. Y'all stay close this way."Daryl added.

My teeth began to chatter as the sun went down, the temperature did as well. I was freezing and Carl noticed by teeth chatter and shoulder shivers. He then took his jacket off and placed it over my shoulders. I refused immediately because he was just as cold as I was.

"Thanks, but you're probably just as cold. Keep your jacket, Carl."

"Ella, I'm not asking." Carl smiled and I did as well. I slipped the jacket on and I gave his hand a squeeze.

"Not doing so good on arrows over here, how about ammunition?" Daryl asked counting his arrows.

"Not enough." Rick answered

That worried me and I know everybody else in the group was just as worried as well. Knives and ammo were are only means of defense against the walkers and we needed both of them. 

"Nobody panic now, just listen to Rick." My daddy said and we all turned to Rick.

"Look, no more splitting up because God forbid that happens anymore. We have each other now and that's all that matters at the moment. I didn't think we'd manage to stay together after the farm, but we did and I want to keep it that way."

Rick was right.

"We need a place that we can fortify, I know we can find one. We can find one to grow together as a group, watch Ella and Carl grow. Continue our lives one day at a time." Rick was making this into a group discussion.

I looked at Carl and he slipped his hand with mine.

"I think we can do it." I smiled

"What if a herd of walkers come tonight? What if another group like Randall's come tonight?" Carl asked, building tension.

"You know, Glenn and I found Randall and he didn't turn from a walker bite or scratch. Somebody broke his neck." Daryl pointed out. "How does that even happen?" I asked the question everybody was thinking.

"I think Shane broke his neck." T-Dog finally spoke up.

"Yeah well there's no doubt about that." Daryl said and we all basically agreed.

"Then the herd got Shane after?" Lori asked, looking at Rick and I almost spoke up.

"What was that, Ella?" Lori asked and my eyes went wide. 

"Nothing." I said back really quick and Lori looked at me sideways.

"How did Randall even turn into a walker if he wasn't even bit?" Glenn asked and we all were thinking the same thing.

I looked at Rick and he'd never looked more tense before. There was something he was hiding, something he was not telling us. I wanted to know and I wasn't going to stay quiet about that.

"You're not telling us something, Rick." I said drawing everybody's attention to Rick and I.

"Is that true, Rick? Are you not telling us something?" Lori asked Rick and I just had put him on the hot seat.

"We're all infected."

Everybody's eyes that'd had been attached to me, we're now onto Rick.

"What?" Daryl asked setting his crossbow down.

"At the C.D.C., Jenner told me. Whatever it is, we all carry it."

"So were you just never going to say anything?" Carol asked getting pretty pissed off.

"Would it have made a difference? Y'all would all find out eventually." Rick asked finally looking us all in the eyes

"How could I have known for sure? You saw how crazy--

Rick was cut off by Glenn.

"That is not your call, Rick. When I found out about the Walkers in the barn, I told for the good of everyone."

"Did you? Did you really?" I laughed slightly and Glenn looked at me. "Yes, Ella yes I did." Glenn answered and I rolled my eyes. "Eleanor Greene, that's enough out of you." Maggie said and I rolled my eyes.

Rick then walked off with Lori trailing behind him closely.

"It's because she didn't have sex with him that night." I whispered to Carl and Maggie shoved my arm.

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