You And Me: Best For Me.

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I woke up feeling like a bus hit me in the neck. What the? So, I'm handcuff to a bed again?

I didn't even bother trying to get out.

Carl walked into the room quietly, "baby." He said softly. "Carl! Why am I in these? Let me out right now." I told him, and yanked them hard this time. "Ella, it wasn't my call. It was your dad's call, I can't I'm sorry."

"Carl, you let me out now!" I began to get really pissed off, because I felt like a crazy animal being handcuffed like this. "You think I'm crazy too?" I asked softly. "I don't think you're crazy, Ella. I don't think that one bit." He said, looking down.

"Look at me in my eyes and tell me that you don't think I'm crazy, Carl. You do that and I'll stop!" I yelled at him. "I think you're sick Ella. I think you're a danger to yourself. Had I not come back when I did, you'd be dead." He reached a yell, and his eyes began to tear up.

"It'd be better that way, huh?" I muttered.

"What did you say?" he asked scared. I said nothing else, just looked away.

He left the cell, closing the door behind him.

I just laid there. Not like I had a choice. I'm crazy so I had to be handcuffed.right?

I was dozing off again, but the door opened. It was my daddy. "Hi sweetheart." he muttered as he realized the beyond pissed look on my face..

"Daddy, take these off of me right now!" I yelled at him. "I can't do that." he looked down. "Why not?! I'm not an animal! Or a walker! You can't handcuff me! You can't do that! " I screamed. "You tried to kill yourself, Eleanor!" he screamed back at me.

"You're sick! You need to be cared for." he added, but calmly.

"Please." I asked gently. He looked me in the eyes for a long while.

"When you were born.nI just I held you for the longest time. I knew you'd be a handful. I knew that, But I knew you'd be a fighter. I saw it in you. I knew that you had what it takes. I want you to prove me right. I want you to beat this world." he looked at me.

Lori told Carl the same.

"I'm going to I'm going to, Daddy." I teared up. He took the handcuffs off me and I fell into his arms, crying. I did want to prove him right. I wanted to beat this world. I did.

But I want to with Carl.

After our embrace was over, I walked down the stairs. Only to have the eyes of everybody staring me down. "Are you okay? " Rick asked me.

"Minus that blow to my neck, I think I'll be alright." I chuckled a bit and Rick put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about that, I am." He smiled at me sincerely. "Don't be, you did what you had to do." I told him. "Where's Carl?" I added.

"He's in the guard tower." He told me, and went and opened the door. He stood there, looking out into the field.
He didn't even acknowledge me.

"Hey. " I muttered. He said nothing back to me. I walked over to him and put my arms around him. Only to be shoved away from him coldly.

"Carl?" I said his name and he just ignored me, pulling his binoculars out and pretending to actually look for something.

"Carl!" I shoved him, getting more pissed off because I didn't like to be ignored.

"Am I missing something?" I asked him.

He put his binoculars down and looked at me finally, not saying one word.

I kept my cold confused stare on him, one single tear falling from my right eye.

I shook my head and left.

Carl's POV

I couldn't do this anymore.. I failed her. I did. We couldn't be it anymore. I loved her way to much.. Now all she wants is to die.. Because of me.. I know it. She knows it. We all know it.. I was going to make myself let go of her.. Even though deep down I knew that wasn't what I truly wanted.. at all.. i cared about this girl more than i did my own self.. That's why it was best for her.


◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now