You And Me: So Precious.

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Ella's POV

" Eleanor, little country freak.. " suzanna teased me, as she walked closer to Carl and I with her two friends.. " Why are you so mean to me for? I never said anything to you. " I said with my extremely strong country accent. " I never said anything to you! " Suzanna mocked me as her friends joined in on the laughter.. " Just shut up already, Suzanna. " Carl yelled at her, making her stop.. " Why do you hang out with her anyways, Carl? You're more cooler than she is.. " Suzanna laughed once more. " Because she's funny and she's Cool, and I like being around her. That's why! Now get lost, you stupid idiot.. " Carl yelled at her again. Her mouth shaped in the form of an " O " .. Actually all of ours did.. " Whatever! " she whined and stomped off with her friends. I couldn't help but smile.. " you think I'm cool? " I asked Carl with a humongous smile. He looked down and smiled.. " yup " he added.. still grinning and slightly looking back up at me.

Kisses surrounding my face woke me up.. To see Judith and Carl laughing together.. " Her idea! " Carl chuckled pointing at Judith. " Mmm no! No! " Judith shook her head and made a sad face. I couldn't help but laugh at her sad face.. She rarely did it.. But when she did.. It was perfectly cute. " Come on squirt, breakfast time.. " I said getting out of bed an picking her up.. Kind of struggling. " Ow " I whispered softly, Carl still heard. " Not a good idea. " he added, taking her from my hands.. That kind of winded me.

Carl helped me sit back down..

" How'd you sleep? " he asked flashing me those bright blue eyes that'd always been my favorite. " Once you came.. It'd say.. Hmm some where around amazing. " I smiled.. Judith flicked us both in the cheek as we leaned in for each other's lips " That's dirty. No no no. " she pointed her finger at us. " we taught her well. " Carl chuckled..

" You remember Suzanna? " I asked kind of chuckling.. " Oh that Bi- ... " Carl stopped and smiled at Judith.. " That very nice little girl from Summer camp " he added sarcastically.. " Yeah, I had a dream about her. How'd she'd like always pick on me.. There not like dreams there flashbacks.. " I laughed. " How I called her a stupid idiot ? " he laughed even harder. " Yeah! How do you even remember that? " I asked confused. " Because that was the day I knew I'd never let somebody hurt you. Physically or Mentally. " he added and I couldn't help but smile.

Everything that happened between Carl and I was always significant event to one of us. That made me so happy.

Judith rushed down the stairs, with Carl and I behind.. She nearly knocked Michonne and Lincoln over..

I know this Is somewhat wrong to say.. But I think Michonne and Lincoln may have something going on.. But I wouldn't dare come out and ask.. Since they both have lost their significant other..

" Sorry Munchy and Lincoln " Judith giggled hoping into her seat. She could never get Michonne's name right.. So that was Judith's nick name for Michonne.. Anybody that was in the room when she said it, couldn't help but laugh.. But what really had our minds going crazy, was the fact Judith had this endless amount of energy..

I wasn't that hungry which was weird..Because I had this new found love for food when I got pregnant.. Like I almost loved it more than Carl at one point.. But he was being bad, so I picked food over him that day.

I just plopped down onto the couch. I can't even sit.. I just plop. Oh the joys of pregnancy.. And I can't even see my toes.. How wonderful, huh? The only good thing that came out of this, was I finally have some boobs.

" Got to eat something little one.. Eating for two there " Daryl added, throwing grapes in his mouth and planting a kiss on carol's lips.. I couldn't get over them.. " I'm awa-- " I interrupted my self, feeling a sharp pain twirl through my stomach.. Making me fall to the floor on my knees, with my hands Supporting me up.

I screamed as loud as I could, as the pain became so intense.. I'd experienced pain before in my stomach.. Like hell. I mean I've been shot and stabbed..But not this kind of pain.. Not this excruciating.

My Vision turned blurry.. But I could still make out figures coming towards me.. " it's too early. this can't happen. " Carol's voice echoed.

" can you deliver it? " ..

" will she live? "

" it's going to be okay, El "

" just breathe "

" hang on little one "

" she's loosing too much blood! "

" help her! "

voices echoed.. I tried staying continuous as best as I could. But it was becoming ultimately too hard. " Stay with us, baby. " Carl's voice manage to stand out.. I couldn't help, but faint at the tremendous amount of pain flailing through my tiny body like a roller coaster..a never ending one.

I'd finally regained consciousness.. I was in my bed.. With my legs wide open and up.. Awkward, where did my pants run off to ? Then I noticed carol in front of me, telling me to " push "..

While I stopped the blood in Carl's hands with mine. I did as carol told me.. In all honesty I couldn't help but scream my head off.. It was a gut wrenching scream. It was an over the edge type of pain.

Like the pain was more than being shot, or stabbed, or punched, or kicked, or loosing my Virginity..

Yeah I didn't mention it. But that did kind of hurt like hell for the first 20 seconds.

I finally felt free.. and i was entirely too drained and tired.. but crying snapped me into reality fully.. I leaned forward and saw the beautiful thing in carol's arms..

a little boy.

My little boy..

Mine and Carl's eyes and lips met after we'd looked at our precious little new born baby boy.

" C- Can I hold him? " I asked carol who's eyes were lit up at the sight of him.. She gently handed him to me as if was a delicate as a flower.. Which he was..

I couldn't help but let little tears roll down my warm cheeks.. His presence had me in " awe " at his sparkling eyes..

It was a very beautiful miracle that he did open his eyes..

They were a shining ocean blue color..

He had Carl's eyes.

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