You And Me: " E "

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edited december 24th 2016

Carl sat in his cell, with his eyes attached to the ground. He kept playing the scene that had just happened in his head over and over again. He didn't know yet if he regretted his actions, yet.

Rick walked into the cell and Carl got up, wiping his eyes. "Carl-

"Don't say it, dad."

"I didn't kill the walker that killed Dale and look what happened." Carl responded and Rick looked away. "Carl, it's-

"You didn't kill Andrew and he came back and killed mom. You were in a room with The Governor, and he killed Andrea and Merle!" Carl shook his head. He turned back to Rick and Rick was pretty stunned at what Carl had just said.

"I did what I had to do." Carl nodded and began to walk past Carl.

"Now let's go and get Ella, before anybody else dies."

Carl said lastly walking away, throwing his hat down to his dad's chest.

Back at this unknown house, I was still completely out cold. I had no real idea what happened to me or what was even going on. I was vulnerable and tied up. 

About an hour later, I finally came out of my unconscious state. My hands were free from the ties, and I was basically just laying on this bed freely. I took that to my advantage to try and pry the windows open, but they were nail closed from the inside out. Lastly, I thought to try the door as a mean of escape. No surprise, the door was locked from the outside.

I then heard footsteps walking outside of the room and only getting closer. I stood behind the door, waiting for it to be opened so I could attack anybody that was trying to come in this room. The door finally opened and I jumped on whoever it was. 

Once I saw the person's face, I realized it was Dakota. 

I pulled at his hair and started to punch and scratch at him. I didn't care how badly I injured him, I wanted to get the hell out of here, away from this crazy guy.

Dakota yelled from the scratches he was receiving and pulled me off of him. I was thrown like a rag doll against the wall, but I didn't stop trying to hurt him. I got back up on my feet and continued to attack him.

As I ran full speed to him, I felt a sharp object enter my left side.

I looked down at the wound and back up at Dakota. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the floor. I felt weak and the amount of blood I was losing was extremely dangerous. Dakota smirked and pulled me back up to him.


Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Carl and Michonne were armed and ready to leave. Rick walked over to Carol and handed her a revolver.

"Do not hesitate to use this." Rick muttered to Carol. Carol took the gun examining it and hugged him. Rick walked over to my daddy holding Judith and kissed her forehead.

"Please bring my girl back to me." My daddy said with so much sadness in his voice. Rick nodded and he promised my dad that I would return back with them. Finally the search and rescue group had gotten into the truck and drove off in search of me.

Back at the house I was trapped in, I was losing great amounts of blood still. I ripped some of my shirt and tied it around my waist to keep pressure on my wound. "That's a lot of blood." Dakota laughed, watching me attempt to patch myself up. "Fuck you!" I yelled at him, wincing in pain.

The door to the room opened, and there walked in an older woman. She tried to treat my wound, but I shoved her away. I wasn't coherent as much as I should have been, because if I was I probably would have let her help me. 

I felt a needle go through my skin, meaning the woman was suturing my wound back up. I screamed in pain and smacked at her face. She wasn't phased by it and continued to help me. Dakota continued to smirk, and I realized the two idiots from the truck had come inside the room.

"Grab her right arm, this one likes to fight." 

One of the guys had said to the other one, and they both were smirking.

"Fuck you! Let go of me, jackasses!" I screamed and the more I did so, the more they liked it. I felt a smack across my face and realized it was from the woman who was helping me. "Potty mouth you have." She said and finished stitching me back up. The woman then left the room and Dakota, including his two friends made fun of me.

"You got the shit smacked out of you by an old lady!" One of the guys said, and all three of them continued to laugh.

"Dakota, have fun with this one man." 

The two guys left the room and I stood there on the bed. "I always do." Dakota smirked.


Rick's truck slowly tore through the woods, as the group was silently looking out for me. They had zero luck so far, but that was until Carl had some strange feeling.

"Dad, stop the truck!" 

Rick followed and put the car in park.

Carl got out of the truck and walked around. He looked out in the woods for me, hoping that the strange sense of hope or feeling wasn't just a hoax his mind was playing on him. After about a couple of minutes of looking around, he sighed and began to walk back to the truck.

Carl put his head down in defeat, but that's when his eyes connected to something.

He reached down and grabbed onto something that belonged to me. Opening his palm, he realized that it was my silver necklace that had the charm "E" on it. His stomach dropped and Glenn followed over. 

"This is Ella's."

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