You And Me: You Won't Break Us.

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Edited April 30th 2016

"Daddy!" I hear a loud scream that sounds just like Maggie. I didn't give it a second thought. I jumped up from the bed and ran downstairs. Carl jumped up as well and followed right behind me.

I went into the cell my daddy was in and Maggie was in tears. "Daddy, breathe!" She shouted and was attempting CPR. Glenn was in shock behind Maggie. I know he wanted to help, but he was in shock.

"Somebody help!" Maggie screamed with complete fear seizing her voice. Lori ran inside the cell and moved Maggie aside. "Glenn!" Lori said, signaling him to grab my sister and take her away. As for me, I was still in shock not saying or doing anything. This wasn't going to happen, my daddy wasn't going to die right here, right now.

"He isn't breathing, Lori! Help him, please! Help my daddy!" Tears were falling out of Maggie's eyes like a hardcore rainfall, as she repeated the same thing continuously. She fell to the floor, but I wrapped my arms around her as she fell. That made us both fall and she shoved her head into the crevice of my neck. I stroked her hair shushing her. Glenn came to our side and put both of his arms around us.

Carl was still in the deepest shock. He was also trying to process the events occurring at this moment. He has his hand on his gun and his eyes were connected to Lori and my dad.

Lori continued CPR on my dad and I just couldn't bare to watch any longer. If his breathing didn't come back, I wasn't going to watch any longer. I physically could not watch any longer. Glenn rubbed mine and Maggie's backs soothingly. It was helping slightly, but I still had a nauseas feeling in my stomach.

"Hershel." Lori called and I could see my daddy's chest beginning to move again. I started to let tears escape my eyes and called Maggie to look up. "Daddy is breathing." I said and her head was up.

My voice was cracking, but i was beyond happy and emotional. Maggie's crying let low a little and she stood up. Maggie walked over to Lori and my dad. "Daddy." She called and he fell back unconscious. His breathing was normal once again and I sighed in relief. Glenn Hughes me and Carl came in with an embrace.

"Thank you." Maggie sincerely thanked Lori and they hugged. I wiped my face free of tears and was extremely grateful Lori saved my daddy's life.

A little over an hour had passed as everybody was out of their cells and in the middle of the cell block. Rick, Daryl and T-Dog had returned from their trip with the prisoners. Lori went in for a hug from Rick, but it was partially denied by him. Maggie and I sat on each side of my daddy. I stroked his long grey hairs.

My dad wasn't waking up and his breathing was being iffy again. It was not looking good. He could go at any moment and I think Maggie and I were prepared. In no way I actually wanted my daddy to die, but if it meant ending his suffering I think we accepted it. I was aching inside and so was Maggie.

"Daddy, you don't have to stay and keep fighting. If you want to go, that is your decision." My voice was soft and Maggie smiled faintly at me, meaning she agreed with my statement. I started to tear up.

"You're already showed the world and everybody here that you made it. You helped Carl, you saved his life back at the farm." Everybody's eyes were glued to my daddy and I.

My daddy's blue eyes started to open

"D- daddy." I softly said and he didn't respond. He did hear me though. Tears of joy, not fear, sadness, or pain. Tears of joy came streaming out of my eyes. I hugged Maggie as she cried as well. Glenn came over hugging Maggie and I ran straight to Carl.

Lori and Rick's eyes were planted on Carl and I at the same time. Us being together made them happy. I was the first real normal thing Carl actually loved and cared about after he apocalypse had begun.

"I knew he'd be alright." Carl's joyfully said and I nodded my head. I held onto Carl tighter. I was at loss of words.

The world isn't breaking me
Or my family.

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