Chapter 5

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I get in the truck after loading it with my things, including those papers, those letters put away in that box, and just as I start the engine, Rosemary runs outside and slams her hands on my window yelling at me, begging me to stay. I look over and... those big deep brown eyes... so lost in dark desire, hope and fear all together whenever they fall on me–almost like you, Addison, but not as intense... that weightless grayish brown hair soft as silk and knotted still in some places from our last moment together, her small dainty hands with sharp strong nails she used to fight me hitting and scrapping the glass. You are not mine... little one.

Rosemary... sit down. I telepathically tell her. She stops right away, the anger and sadness going out like a light in her eyes, and she obeys. I almost blink at her, but instead I just turn my head and put the truck in gear and start backing out of the driveway. Opal and the rest of their children are in the living room windows and Jeb is peering out the bedroom window. They're all watching me go.

Leaving this place seems to take a little longer; it's like time has slowed to warn me I'm slipping out of a safe-zone into something dangerous and incomprehensible. Incomprehensible, even for me... The other times I left for a while on little errands never hit me like that. No, I'm not a fool. I refuse to listen!

Once I'm out on the road, time jumps straight back to normal. The way the road looks, how the trees sway and the light chill in the air gives me a signal this game is on for sure now. I don't look back and nearly floor the truck. I'm grinning again, eager for the dangers ahead.


"You think you can lead him to me... because of what he is? What do you think that would accomplish?"

"Father, this must stop. Let him go."

He stands in front of me with his hands behind his back. We're in the house Gabriel was in, but in a different dimension. Light is coming through the windows and I can barely see his face; it's too bright in here. I can't move from this spot. I can't follow Gabriel.

"Why do you take an interest in what Gabriel wants? If I remember correctly, you were clearly repulsed by his existence when you fought in my office."

"He is my son; my creation."

"Yes... Something of which I disagree with."

"He is better than anything you have ever created. And he will prove it. He will!"

He slowly tilts his head. I wait for his response. The light is brightening and blinding me. I want to cover my eyes but I resist the temptation.

He moves closer and stops. I can see his curious eyes drilling into me while his mouth remains in a straight line. "What did you really feed him on that fateful day?" I find myself lost for words. I can't answer that question.

Only slightly, his lips twitch into something of a smile. He's back to adoring my behavior.

"You won't tell me." He says. "I don't take much pleasure in forcing things out of you... so let's find out just what you mean by taking things to the next level."

"F... father?"

He turns and walks casually out the door. I try to move and I'm able to make it quickly to yank the door handle back before it closes. I race outside and the area changes to a dead, quiet two-lane road. I turn around and see farther down the road Gabriel is in his truck speeding this way. "Gabriel," I whisper. The only reason why I'm able to see him is because I'm between dimensions.

What is Reuben going to do now? What is he planning...? How am I going to be prepared for this? I have to stay with Gabriel.


I check the gas gauge; it's about a quarter full. As I return to watching the road, I glance at the sky. It's getting cloudy. I take the nearest exit and pull into a gas station. Once I park at a pump, I start fishing in my back pocket for my wallet and I see a little girl walk in front of the truck with her mom. I smirk at the girl's fragile little body... so sweet... but the mother is a little larger. Extra blood there, definitely. Mmm...

They get in a little car and I'm a bit amused at how it bounces with the mother's weight, but then something instantly catches my eye; a sort of movement; a black shadow darting past their vehicle. It disappears just as soon as it came. Curiously, I finish getting my wallet and hurriedly get out. There's another blip in my peripheral vision. I look over at the store and see that same shadow zip across the ground towards the doors and then it vanishes when a man comes out. He suddenly puts his head down and jerks, but then he's nonchalant again as he looks at his receipt. ...And so it begins–again. I use my bank card and put in my pin number, careful not to stray my attention away from him for long. He's coming toward me, now tucking the receipt in his jeans' pocket. I begin pumping the gas and rest my back against the truck. Come on motherfucker, show me what you've got.

"Gabriel, you need to listen. Pay attention to the little things." He says. I furrow my brows at him. Why is he talking to me like this? He puts his hand on my shoulder, "The messages- It's me-" He looks past me and every detail in his face suddenly relaxes. He closes his eyes and falls on the cord to the nozzle, spraying a bit of gas. I pick the thing up and sit him up against the vehicle, listening in for his pulse. It's perfectly normal. What is going on here?

"Hey! Hey is everything ok?!" Another man runs up and I stand with bemusement, wondering about what just happened. He kneels there talking to this stranger. He asks me if he's with me. "No, he's not." I reply. He gives an odd look and starts shaking him and patting his face a couple times. He looks up at me, "What are you doing man! Why are you just standing there?!" I grimace and then look into his eyes, "Get out of my way." He stops what he's doing as he sees the burning embers in my expression. "What is wrong with this guy... I don't like the way he's looking at me. I better get out of here!" He backs away with his hands up and then he leaves in a bit of a hurry.

I look down at the man against my truck and see he's waking up. He sees me and is shocked at where he is. "Oh-! What in the- Excuse me, I'm sorry!" he rubs his neck on getting up and asks me what happened. I've spent enough time here as it is. I wipe his memory and shoo him away. Mindlessly, he goes on his way over to a jeep near the store.

I get back in my truck and squeeze the wheel. Was that Jack? It couldn't have been Reuben with the things that man said. Is Jack the shadow man? I don't understand.

I start the engine and drive out of the parking lot. 'Gabriel, you need to listen. Pay attention to the little things. The messages- It's me-' That was him. But not all of these 'messages' could be from him, could they? Many of them have caused me great pain and confusion. Those times I see you; they can't be his doing. Or maybe, maybe it is him... and it's all real. You have to be at your apartment. You can't be at that hospital. What messages do I trust?! WHO DO I TRUST?! I have to hurry!

Raindrops begin to pepper the windshield. Scowling, I turn the wipers on and accelerate almost full blast, passing a few cars and getting back on the interstate. From this point on, I lose myself in anger and agitation and nearly wreck a few times. The wind is picking up. I slow down behind one car with flashing lights. It turns off into the shoulder and I take a short look at the driver. He turns his head toward me and there's a flash of lightning; his face shape-shifts from Jack's face, your face and then Reuben's in a split second. I gasp, turning around in my seat- BeeeEEEEEP- CRASH!

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