Chapter 20

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I become mist the moment I burst out of the fourth floor window and race over the grounds as fast as I can to get to the other building. Each of the employees scattered around below me raise their heads with expectant eyes; it's like they are all Reuben. But something is missing - I can tell by their body language he isn't fully possessing them. More like, seeing through them. You are losing Reuben. How does it feel to have what is yours taken from you, piece by piece, and shredded apart? How does it feel to know I will be the one to end your life? Your ego is so large it would struggle to accept this, but you know it's true.

I see the hill and more adrenaline courses through me. I'm getting so close to you now, I can almost see you sitting there like before. I can almost taste you, again. The look on your delicate face when you finally see I've come to take you as my own at last; mmh, that expression is mouthwateringly sweet...

How I've craved you for so long, my Addison.

We will finally be together again.

As I'm nearing the hill, I hear a loud boom and sharp screams of agony piercing the sound barrier, causing me to flinch and struggle to stay in the air.

"You fail at everything, Gabriel. If you couldn't catch me or the children before it was too late... what makes you think you could ever have Addison? It's just how you are. You're always too late. You're a failure! You are too late NOW!"

Martha's voice fills my head with prickling pressure. Time has suddenly slowed. Everything including myself is hardly moving.

"Think you have gotten rid of me?" she starts to laugh, "Of course you haven't. The moment you entered this place, I was pulled to you."

"Stop it." I snarl. Not this. NOT NOW!

"Not this, not now? Please, you are too LATE! She is done for, Gabriel! Jo is gone, Addison has been used and discarded! Why do you think all of these people on the grounds are watching you like this? You FOOL! Your perception of time is not what you think it is!"

"You're pathetic! You can't sway me! I disowned you, Martha. I disowned our children. I will have Addison back, and I will kill you, Reuben." I push back, forcing her out of my head. She yells and panics as I continue pushing her back, away from me. Out of my head! GET OUT! STAY OUT! ADDISON IS MINE, YOU ARE DEAD, ADDISON IS MINE, YOU ARE DEAD!!! DEAD!!! YOU DIED TO ME THE MOMENT YOU LEFT MY LIFE!!!

Her protesting goes quiet. Gone from my mind.

Like a switch, time speeds back to the present and I'm shooting over the hill like a missile.

Don't look back. Never look back.

I won.

I win.

The grounds of this side are empty and the building looks like it was built but never used. I keep flying and go straight for the side doors, half-assuming  it's the least visited area of this wing. 

As I touch down, I reform from my legs, upward. I hear all the sounds of nature around me but no evidence of humans or humanoid creatures. It's all a lie. They are here, but not for me to see or hear.

I go inside with a heavy stride, my head lowered and eyes cast straight ahead with fiery determination.

The halls are clear and most of the doors are shut. The blinds in offices are shut, too. Some offices have silhouettes of people sitting at their desks like mannequins. There aren't any pictures on the walls. It's like walking onto the set of a movie. Everything is so clean and quiet. It smells of old books and disinfectants. This is completely opposite of the other building.

There is a sign hanging from the ceiling just ahead pointing left to the elevators. It brings back the memory of Jo wanting to take them. I bet he did, but in doing so that only led him to more danger. It didn't kill him... Otherwise, there would most likely be some kind of evidence of that. What a dumb ass. He's only human. Quite a daring one too.

With the halls as empty as they are, I think about where I am and what this place represents. I annihilated that nurse, shoved Maria out of my head, I'm capable of using my abilities... now I know... I can destroy whatever stands in my way.

I choose to follow the sign and take the elevators.


There has to be a way. There has to be a way I can fight this weak feeling in my body - this inability to move my arms and legs. I'm so fatigued. My eyes continue to zip around this pod, desperately searching for a way to escape.

The room has a cold, lifeless look about it. Gray... so gray, sterile, and orderly. Nothing seems out of place. 

There is a table in front of me with a large black machine positioned over it. There are different tools attached to this machine; drills, tubes with little sickly beige colored caps on the tips, and a long pole in the center with strange tentacle-like appendages connected to a silver ball about the size of a tennis ball. What do these things do? Has he used them on me? What did he do to me while I was unconscious? All sorts of ideas and memories of him - seeing, feeling, tasting, touching, the pain I endured during and after that unnatural pregnancy - all of these experiences are running through my head, nauseating me, enraging me, terrifying me.

I look to the left side of the room, my breathing more panicked now, and see a small black rectangular object floating in a bluish light over a cyclone-shaped table.


That thing...

Why does it look so familiar?

Extraction. Replacement.

These two words echo in my mind in his voice.

My eyes widen in horror.

My teeth begin to chatter and my throat starts drying out. My heartbeat thumps harder and harder, soon pounding mercilessly against my chest.

I jerk around in the pod with a new burst of energy, trying to free myself. My arms and legs barely have any room!

"Shit! How do I get out of here!" I cry, violently smashing into the sides of the pod.

I look at that rectangular device and many images flood my memory; his burning red eyes, the blinding white light around him, the pain in my veins, the burning in my abdominal area, the quiet and calculated voice calmly speaking to me as he held that thing in one hand and a strange, glowing, purplish-red type of weightless liquid came out of the tip of it. The liquid moved like it was alive, stretching and hovering over my body. Thin tendril-looking things descended from the anomaly, making contact with my skin. I started to feel a tingly sensation as they explored every inch of me, then there were sudden stinging pains in multiple areas. It began to sting so much that I know I began screaming my head off.

He spoke again. A low hum filled my ears, followed by a high-pitched whistle, and I gradually went numb.

"Well done, Addison. This is the last session for extraction and replacement. You have been quite a success. I just might allow you to meet her."  His voice was monotone and sharper by the end as if fascinated.

I could hear them slithering up to my head as darkness was closing in around me.

"What have you taken from me? Who are you... talking about?" I exhaustedly slurred, trying to stay awake.

"All that was required. You should rest, Addison."

I kept staring at his silhouette as everything faded away, returning to nothingness.

This disgusting memory! Unbearably distraught, I throw my head back with tears riding down my cheeks. "I need to get out of here!" I sob.


Author's Note:
Hello everyone! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update more often! Please vote and comment!!! :) THANK YOU!!!

Theme for Entrance Wing - "Infinity of Consciousness":

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