Chapter 9

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I tuck the brochure in my back pocket, shut the truck door and hurry back to the car. Lunaville... I remember it being demolished years ago. I haven't been back there in a long time. Is Jack telling me that is another safe haven and all the answers I seek are there? If that's the case, and it's on the way to Rockville, I have to take this path.

I keep the flashers on as I get ready to join the traffic on the interstate. Once I'm on, the drive is tense from my paranoia about the surroundings and anger is sitting heavily on my shoulders after that discovery... that moment of defeat when I didn't see my body. Could it just mean that the reason I couldn't see myself is because I'm not in the same position as Jack? Would I have to be trapped between dimensions to return to my body? That sounds preposterous. Impossible. There is no reason why I would get into that situation. There has to be a way to go back. I can't stay here like this.

There is a pull on my consciousness, again, trying to get me to avert my eyes from the road to look at everyone else, trying to make me have a mental breakdown. Something is pulling me into an abyss that I may not be able to find my way out of. I know how to resist this-I do now. Even though it seems to grow even more intense as time goes on, I manage. I have to get off at the next exit. Old games, Reuben-old games! For each puzzle you throw at me, I will always find a way to solve it. It's only a matter of time now before you're all mine.

Instead of giving in to these illusions, I think of my strongest desire: ...You.


The way you looked at me, how you felt in my hands... what you dreamed of and what you thought of each time we were together. Always drawn to me, yet afraid of me... and angry at my existence too. A fireball, you are. Perhaps some of that is my fault. I wanted you to reach for me like I was your only hope, but once you had me within arm's length, you saw me for who I am. You wouldn't be able to escape me then, no matter how badly you wanted to... and that's when I would envelope you, take from you, make you forget and then we would do it all over again... but later on. I found it more satisfying that way. Now though, once I finally get you back... maybe things will be a little different. I've never fought for someone like this. Never.

I get off the interstate, follow the main drag until turning down a quiet two-lane road. This is the way to... Lunaville. There's something different about this place. Why do I feel like the farther I go, the more I'm slipping into thinking I'm supposed to be somewhere else at a certain time? It comes and goes every now and then. It's like that pull I had earlier is changing gears, manifesting something else. I keep my eyes peeled and my ears are wide open for anything. I'm ready.

The last car I see slows down to a near crawl as it passes me and then things take a sudden turn; the wind blows a little harder, I hear a distant church bell tolling and the sun is peeking out from the clouds a little more. What is happening now? I take a quick look in the rear-view mirror and that car is gone. Not this... Not again. For the next few minutes, it's just me out here. If I turn around, I'm fucked. I'm on a set path now. My prediction about being trapped was right. Son of a bitch...

The trees on both sides of me are filling out, greener and livelier. Birds are flocking together up there, going the same way I am. How lovely. What a welcome wagon this is.

Soon, I'm out of the trees and see the town just ahead; the buildings are old and weathered, yet still friendly-looking. I can also see the top of the church. Something is definitely waiting for me.

As I'm getting closer, I'm starting to remember... when and where I was supposed to be. The candy store-my job. I work there part-time. No, that was in the 60's! I look at the clock and it's 9:38am. I thought it couldn't change! No... I have to be at work at 10. I check the mirror again and see my red and white striped uniform hat and the same pattern on my button-up shirt. I look at myself, and it feels like forever that I stay like this... starting to grin... as I think of all the children I'll see today; all the sweet little boys and girls with their moms coming into the store to buy some lollipops, taffy, gumdrops, chocolates and... hot fudge. Dripping so much like blood... I always fantasize about them hanging from the candy machines by their ankles, dripping that thick, dark nectar, almost dead... yet still clinging to life. It's difficult to maintain my composure sometimes; they can see the hunger in my eyes and smile. Ohh... my dear little patrons... Hmhmhmhmh... ahhh-haHAHAHA!

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