|| Chapter 12 ||

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*One year ago*

"why don't you just come out here?" he says. "you know, I've never once seen you come out of that house before."

"Maybe because i like it here" she says.

"Come on, no body likes their home -" he motions towards the house "- more than going out for some fun"

"Well I guess im not nobody" she states.

"You sure aren't," and in that moment there was nothing and only admiration in his eyes for the pretty girl who stands in front of him, giving him nothing yet everything at the same time, making him want her that much more.

"How about you come inside for a change, inside of staying outside all the time? Wouldn't that be fun" she suggests

He takes a look up at the house that she seemed so helplessly trapped in. Yet she stays, and he would rather not, but a chance with this girl was all he was hoping for, and she finally gave him one.

He followed her into the dark house after her made her promise she eventually go out with him another day, halloween she suggested. She brought him up to a room where an iPod was laying down with the Nirvana music playing and books scattered here and there.

Hours passed while the boy and girl played music and spoke of all the things they dreamt about. He had kissed her and she let him, her lover was long gone by now anyway to feel guilty about it. And with that he said goodbye and after, when he was long gone, the boy of hers was meant to be nothing but a old memory.

*Present day*

Tates POV

I couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening. It had to be just a nightmare. But I was already in one, this house was a never ending nightmare, with other nightmares creeping around within.

And this was my biggest of all.

The suddenly, instead of what should be sadness and regret, anger engulfed me and without even knowing what i was going to do next, i was already on top this petty school boy and ready to kill him.

"Tate, stop it" she had yelled. But i couldn't, it was almost like i was possessed, i wasn't controlling me anymore, a least the good side of me wasn't.

And then a sort of deja vu came over me, remembering Michael, and the beach and the flashing lights all at once.

I punched him, once, twice, five times, ten, im not sure. I was yelling and so was Violet and i knew i had to stop, or else this time she really would never forgive me. It would just prove that she was right, i am the same Tate, evil and unfixable.

But before i could, Violet pulled me back from the boy that was on her bed and I looked back at him and saw his dripping from his nose, developing bruises on his eyes and a busted lip. He quickly got off the bed and scurried away, surely he'd never come back after that.

Violet didn't let go of me, and i didn't let go of her.

"Why would you do that to me violet?" i spoke in tears "why why why".

As if an answer, she lay me down on her chest and whispered in my ear words that felt like relief. Words that i had been craving to hear from her for so long.

Her voice was soothing and calm, and eventually, i drifted off to sleep, forgetting of all what my life had become ...


Well, i finally updated. 

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