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I never thought my life would take this kind of turn, I mean, it's not one of those easy, gentle ones that you can speed through, no, it's one of those turns where you have to slow down to turtle walking through peanut butter speed or you will flip and be lost, really lost. I'm one of those people who don't like to be lost, i feel like an old jacket just sitting in a box somewhere.
My mom once lost me in a grocery store one time, and I flipped my shit. I ran up to every brunette woman in sight and turned her around, only to be disappointed that I, once again, have failed.

Lost. That's actually a funny word, meaning: unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts or denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered.

I think my lost item goes with the second part, i mean, I doubt it can just run back to me. I mean, sure, i could recover it, but that would be really hard to do by myself, but I don't trust other weirdos around here, the person standing behind you in line could be a psychotic serial killer and you would never know. That isn't necessarily the reason i don't trust people, but it helps.

Back before I became lost, I was happy, funny, outgoing. People probably wonder what happened. Allow me to explain. My name is Cassidy Grace Matthews, and I am 16 years old. I think i'm a pretty boring person, so don't take my advice as to what I look like, so this is what my friends thought of me, before i became lost. They always told me how my hair was always so soft and smooth it was, and it smelled fruity, even though they would expect it to smell like nature, seeing as how i am a brunette. My eyes are gorgeous, when you look into my eyes, it feels as if you are staring straight into my soul, creepy, i know, but my friends were weirdos. I'm 5'4 and a sophomore in High School. You probably think i'm too young to have drama and whatnot, but let me tell you, it isn't like i come looking for this shit. Maybe if it were Gold, or Channing Tatum, or any other sexy beast, but drama is not pretty. Its stupid, ugly, pathetic, and desperate, actually, now that i really think about it, drama is basically the attention whore of High School. You know how they have these stereotypes, the attention whore, the bitch, the emo girl, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the populars, and so on.

I'm not exactly, what's the word, liked at school.

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