Chapter 5- The Secret

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"Whenever you decide to tell me, then it's fine. I don't care if it's two days from now or 2 years." Austin seems to care about me for some reason.

He hasn't left my side except to get me something or use the bathroom.

"I'll tell you, if you tell me something first." I decide.


"Why do you care so much?" I ask.

"I'm not supposed to talking about it, but i'll tell you anyway. My sister was depressed, she had anxiety attacks, she self- harmed, she starved herself, she didn't want to live. Nobody cared about her, except me. Jared hated her, she got a lot of attention, all his friends liked her. He called her a slut, told her she was too ugly to be related to him, stuff like that, to my parents, she was just a mistake. I was the only one that cared. I tried to talk to her, help her, but she just pushed me away, distanced herself. I didn't realize what she was doing until it was too late. One day, she didn't come out of her room. I knocked but she didn't answer. I called her name, but all I heard from the other side was silence. I slowly opened the door and saw her hanging from her ceiling fan. I screamed and cried, my parents ran up to see what made their son scream like a little girl, but when they saw her, they didn't react. They just called a hearse and said whatever. Jared was happy, she was finally out of his way. I however, I hit rock bottom. I hated my family, I constantly thought to myself, what if i had tried a bit harder to talk to her. I know it isn't my fault, but i still feel guilty. Anyway, i guess the whole point of that is that you remind me a lot of my sister and I don't want to lose you too, especially now if I can help it."

"Oh." I mentally slapped myself. He just told me a life story and i just say oh.

"Yeah, so your turn." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay, so this is really hard for me to think about, much less talk about. Anyway, here I go. So about three years ago, I added this guy named Tyler on Facebook. I thought he was cute, so I messaged him. He and I talked for a while and I grew to like him. We talked more and more. I met him at school, and we hung out while waiting for the bus, we texted all the time. I told him literally everything. If I was upset, I texted him, even if it was two in the morning, i'd text him and he would answer right away. I used to be a very confident and outgoing girl, i finally told him that i liked him and he told me he felt the same way. We talked, and flirted, all the time. We were like best friends, but then I fucked up and told him i loved him, but he said it back. I was so happy. We would talk about what would happen after he left, because he and I both knew that was inevitable. Right before he left, he came to my house and told me, but it wasn't very nice, it started my issues. He told me he never loved me, never liked me actually. He told me he hoped he never saw me again,and that was the last time I ever saw Tyler. A year later, I overdosed on some sleep medication. My brother and Anna found me. I got tired of people constantly asking me if i was okay, so I started to lie. I would plaster a smile on my face and go through my day as if Tyler never existed. I couldn't actually talk to guys the same, I could hardly be around them. I would have an anxiety attack if I felt surrounded by the male species, as you saw the other day. I randomly get flashbacks from Tyler. When I had that anxiety attack in Taco Bell, my happy place was with Tyler. I can't help it. The only reason i was in Taco Bell in the first place is because some snobby bitch tripped me in the hallway and Brayden helped me out." i started crying about two seconds into the story.

"Oh, that makes sense now. So where is this Tyler dude?"

"I don't know, why?" I sniffle.

"Because i'm going to find this motherfucker and beat his ass." Austin stood up and walked around of the room.

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