Chapter 4- Stitches

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After I had regulated my breathing, the boys and I left and went to the mall to walk around. I wasn't very fond of Jared, he is very perverted and he makes me nervous, but Austin is cool. When 3:30 rolls around, I say my goodbyes, exchange numbers with Austin and Brayden and go home.

When I get home, I put my earphones in and hit shuffle. The first song to come on is Stitches by Shawn Mendes.

"I thought that i'd been hurt before, but no ones ever left me quite this sore. Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now i need someone to breathe back to life..." I sing as I walk through my strangely empty house. Where is everybody?

"Cassidy, I need to talk to you."
"What is it, Tyler?" He had shown up at my house with a very serious look on his face. I was alone at home when he came over.
"I'm leaving..." I could feel my heart cracking.
"Y-you're what?" I don't want to cry, not in front of him.
"I'm leaving, and there were some things i wanted you to know before I left, so sit down."

When Tyler left about an hour later , I was rocking back and forth on my kitchen floor.

"I never loved you, Cassidy, i just wanted to make you feel better." I don't know why he continued to talk after I started to sob but he did.

"I never really even liked you, I mean, maybe if you weren't obsessed with me then i would have but, yanno."

"Please." I choke out.

"I'm sorry, Cassidy, but i'm leaving, and I don't really care how you feel about it. Sorry, not sorry. Bye, Cassidy, hopefully i'll never see you again." and he walked out, of my life, and my house.

I soon realize that i'm rocking back and forth on my kitchen floor, tears streaming down my face faster than rain, and my phone is ringing. I don't really want to answer it while i'm crying, but it might be an emergency.

I look down at my phone and see an unknown number flashing across my screen.

"Hello?" I try to say without my voice cracking, but it didn't work.

"Cassidy? Are you crying?" I place the voice as Austin's.

"Um, no." I sniff, "Just my allergies."

"After the Taco Bell incident earlier, I find it very hard to believe that it's just your allergies. You can talk to me, you know."

"I-um, I don't know." I say unsuccessfully stifling my escapee sob.

"This is going to sound really weird, but where do you live? I'm on my way." I heard him climb into a vehicle and start the engine.

"Maryland Road, big white house. Help me." I choke out, and then my tears break down my mental wall.

I don't remember much. I remember throwing my phone across the room, I remember walking to my room and throwing myself around, and I remember being disgusted with the reflection in the mirror as tears crawled down my cheeks.

Then I wake up, and Austin is sitting next to me in a strange room with strange smells. I remember now that the reason my house was so empty is because my mom is on a business trip, and my brother went on vacation. They wanted Anna- Lee to stay with me, but I convinced them I was fine to stay home alone for a couple of days.

"Good morning, sunshine." He laughs.

"Where am I at?" I question.

"My mom is a doctor, I called her when i found you passed out on the bathroom floor, and she said to bring you here, Anna-Lee knows where you're at."


"Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" I really don't remember anything after screaming at reflection about how stupid and worthless she is.

"Why'd you overdose? Why'd you hurt yourself?" He held my bandaged arm up for me to see. "Was it really necessary to throw the phone?"

"Austin, I have multiple problems, some you wouldn't even expect. I'm tired of life, I don't want to be here, but I honestly don't remember overdosing or cutting up my arm or fists."

"Cassidy, you punched your window and your whole arm went through. So, i'm not saying you cut yourself intentionally, but you did punch the window. Who hurt you so bad that you feel the need to end your life?"

"Tyler." I barely whisper.

"Who is Tyler, Cassidy."

"I love him."

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