Chapter 3-Life Is A Maze

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"Um, what's your favorite number?" I laugh as I shove a nacho cheese doritos locos taco in my mouth and take a bite.

He thinks for a minute, "27."

"Why 27?" We have been asking each other questions since the moment he asked me what my favorite color was. Its been almost 2 hours since we left the school.

"That was my brother's football number before he died."

"Oh, i'm sorry. " i say sympathetically.

"No, it's fine, it's been a while. I've accepted his death. It was an accident. He was driving and the roads were icy and he slid under an 18 wheeler. I mean, I was kind of lost for a while, but im working on finding my way back." I could tell he trusted me.

"I understand." I say quietly, taking another bite of my taco

"You do?" He questions.

I nodded, "Life is like a giant maze with no exit."

We were quiet for a while, but it wasn't an awkward silence.


"Hmm?" Man, this taco is good.

"Stay here."

"I'm good with that." I say, vocally enjoying my taco.

I could still hear Brayden as he walked away.

"Hey, man, what's up? I haven't seen you since Jackson died."

I heard three people walking up behind me and i put my taco down and wiped my mouth. Taco Bell is very messy.

"Um, Cassidy, this is Jared," he said referring to the older one, "and this is Austin." he said referring to the younger one.

The younger one, Austin, I think is what Brayden said, looks to be about my age. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. The older one, Jared, looks to be about 18 or 19. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

Guys, three of them. They are sitting at the same table as me. I can feel my breath escaping me. My heart started racing and my breathing quickened. I feel as if my heart is about to jump out of my chest. The walls are closing in on me.

"Hey, man, is she alright?"

"Dude, she looks like she saw a ghost."

"Cassidy? Are you okay?"

I started to hyperventilate, damn-it this was a bad idea. I should have stayed at school. I hate having anxiety attacks because people always treat you differently after you've had one, not to mention the killer headache you get afterwards.

I pull my knees up into the booth and try to go to my happy place.
"Think happy thoughts, Cassidy, it'll calm you down."

"Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts." I whisper to myself, rocking back and forth in my booth.

"Shit, man, she's having an anxiety attack." One of the new guys said that.

"How the hell would you know that, Austin?"

"Um, no reason."

I felt somebody move beside me and wrap their arms around my shoulders.

"Hey, take deep breaths, shh, its okay." Austin was whispering to me.

I finally got to my happy place.
I giggled, "There is no way that is true, Tyler!"
"It is, when i went to Australia for a month, I wrestled an alligator."  He started mimicking an Australian accent, "Oy, that over there is one of the most vicious man eating alligators. It could swallow you whole in under a minute. I'm gonna go poke it with a stick!" We both had tears streaming down our faces because we were laughing so hard.
When we finally calmed down, we got serious.
"Cassidy, I love you."
"I love you too, Tyler."
"What will you do when i'm gone?"
"I don't know Tyler, I imagine that when you leave, my head will spin, the people in this world won't even exist to me anymore, and i'll dream that we are kissing. I'll miss you, Tyler, i'll miss you a lot. My sun won't shine as bright. I'll lose my glow. My happy ever after will end on a not so happy ending. Basically, what i'm trying to say, is, I love you, Tyler, and if you leave, i will fall into a terrible fit of melancholy and my heart will shatter in a thousand pieces and my soul will be a gaping black hole, because if you leave, you will take my happiness with you."

I finally calmed down.

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