Chapter 2-The New Boy

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"Hey, Cassidy!" Somebody called my name, but I don't feel like turning around. It sounds like my best friend, Anna-Lee White. I've kind of been avoiding her, I know she is going to be mad that I didn't text her back yesterday. Then I felt my phone buzz.

A: Hey u okay?

C: Yeah

A: Don't lie 2 me

She always gets mad when I don't answer, especially if she knows that I lied to her about being okay.

Well, I am okay, i'm not great, just okay. So I guess I technically didn't lie to her, so I turn around and greet my overly-protective best friend. I turn around and see her practically bounce towards me. She dressed normal today, blue jeans and a t-shirt, she doesn't like dressing nice. She has brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hello, Ms. I'm Too Good To Answer My Best Friend. How are you today?"

"I'm fine," I told you she'd be pissed, she just has a funny way of showing it, "How are you, lovely best friend of mine?"

"Well, I'd be a hell of a lot better if my supposed best friend would freaking text me back."

I sighed, "Yeah, I get it Anna, I should have texted you back, but by the time i saw your message it was too late, you might have been asleep." Lie.

"Really?" She asked, and I nodded. "I call bull, Cass."

I mentally cursed myself. "Okay, fine, I just didn't feel like texting back."

"Well, next time you better answer me or i'm going to walk to your house and make you answer me."

"Yes, mother." I rolled my eyes, she is too protective of me. I mean, I can't exactly blame her, she used to not be like this, but after the whole Tyler incident, I did something I shouldn't have and now they don't believe me about anything, they being my brother and Anna.

My older brother, Luke, is my personal prison guard. I can't do anything without him interrogating me. I love my brother to death, but he gets so annoying! It started two years ago. I suffered through a year of depression because of Tyler, and I got so tired of it, so I overdosed on some sleep medicine and Tyler and Anna found me lying on my bathroom floor. They rushed me to the hospital. I hated them for saving me, but I love them for it now.

Anyway, I'm at school now. Not exactly the highlight of my life but important nevertheless.
There are so many people, the hallways are always so crowded, but hey, its a school. Ever since Tyler, I don't really talk to any guys besides Luke. I'm walking through the overly crowded hallways and some preppy bitch snickered, and I knew what was about to happen. I prepared myself and walked into the inevitable trap. The bitch stuck her foot out at just the right position to trip me and make me fall face first towards the cold tile.

"Watch where you're going next time, Despereaux." She laughed with her friends while they tormented me. They are so stupid. I think they call me 'Despereaux' to sound smart about calling me desperate, which i'm not. I'm far from desperate.

I see a hand shoot out in front of me but I ignore it. Obviously getting the hint, whoever the hand lead to bent down and helped me gather my books. The bell rang and I expected this person to drop my shit and leave me to fend for myself on the cold tile floor, but I was wrong. I opened my eyes to see the empty hallway, except for me and this guy.

"I-I, Um, I mean, th-thanks." I stutter. I'm not very talkative around guys and I can feel my cheeks flaming.

He chuckled softly, "It's no problem, really." He looked up at me, "Hey, are you okay?"

Shit, I could feel the tears starting to spill over. I have terrible anxiety when it comes to interactions with the male species. I feel as if they are going to all shatter me the way Tyler did.

I wipe the tears away with the back of my hand, "I, um, y-yeah, i'm f-fine." I have to stop stuttering, it's very unattractive.

"I'm Brayden." He said in a soft whisper, like he was practicing actually saying it outloud.

"I-i'm Cassidy." I say shyly, looking at the ground beneath me.

I couldn't look Brayden in the eyes while I was crying because I was talking to an unfamiliar guy.

He grabbed my hand and stood me up and grabbed my stuff off the floor, "What do you say about skipping today?"

"I, um, s-sure?" Anna-Lee keeps telling me I should get back out there. I haven't had an anxiety attack yet so I guess I should give him a shot.

As he was sitting there awkwardly smiling at me, I took the liberty of looking him over. He was kind of attractive, but I have never seen him around school. He has piercing green eyes and jet black hair and he seems to be built.

He carried my stuff for me and we walk out the front doors to his black Mustang. He opens the passenger door and steps back. I stare at him dumbfounded.

"You gonna get in?" He laughs.

Feeling stupid, I got into the car. He put my stuff in the back seat and shut the door. He walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. As he pulled his seatbelt on, he looked at me, "Anywhere specific you want to go?" I shook my head, "You like Taco Bell?"

"Wh-who doesn't?" I laugh nervously.

"So, you seem kind of nervous." He states.

"Th-that obvious?"

"Ha, yeah. Can I ask why?"

"N-no." Jesus Christ, can i stop stuttering for once?

"Okay, I understand. So what's your favorite color?"

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