Chapter Three:: Darkness

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My bathroom is truly amazing. But enough about that, I mean, it's just a normal bathroom. I go back to bed, still thinking, and then it clicked. I immediately sat up. Mother how did she...


How did she know?! How could she have known?! I never told a soul about what he's done. So how could she have known. My eyes were bursting out of my head, tears on the rims of my eyes. I could feel the air getting thin. What's this feeling? I couldn't breathe; I was shaking. Throat. Getting. Smaller. Can't. Breathe. Can't. Stop. Shaking. I attempted to call for Siri. " H-h-h-hey. *gulp* S-Siri. " Somehow my phone understood me. The screen turned on, indicating Siri was listening. I made a command, but he didn't follow. Siri's deep British voice ringed in the room.

" I'm sorry, Jennifer. I didn't quite get that. "

With his response, I didn't care anymore. I tried my best to shout, but nothing came out. Sean. I beat against the wall as hard as I could, hoping he'd come and help me. Seconds later he bursted through the door and jumped to my side. "Jen! Jen! What's wrong? Why are you crying?! " He inquired. Huh? I'm crying? He wiped my tears away. I pointed to my throat.

" H-help. C-can't breathe. " What's happening to me? For some reason, Sean knew what to do, like he's done this with me before. He knew exactly how to calm me down. Stroked my hair, pet my head, kisses on my cheeks, and told me I was going to be okay. In a matter of minutes, my breathing was mostly normal. I had to know what I just experienced. Before my beloved brother and best friend stood up, I asked.
" Sean.. "
" Hm?"
" Wh-what was that. "
" Oh Sweetie you just had an attack. " he said calmingly.
An attack?
He had to have read the confusion in my teary face.
" It's nothing to fear, Love. You're okay now. " with that, he smiled.
"'d you know how to stop it? " I felt like I was asking too many questions, but I just had to know. He sighed, and sat back down on the bed.
" You used to have them a lot when we were little.. And uhh.. Jamie and I would help you. She always did it better than I did though. "

Who the hell..?

At that moment, Sean noticed he said something he shouldn't have. We looked into each other's eyes, me in confusion, him in worry and hope of me not asking who this " Jamie " was.
The name sounded familiar, like I'd heard it. But how could that be if we're homeschooled..?
Wait a second...

" If you must ask, that, Jamie, is a - wait for it - that is a beedd. "

He let out another sigh. " Jenna, we're not twins. We have another sister, Jamie. She's our third. We're actually triplets. "

My eyes widened at the thought. A sister? Triplets? How? What?

" What do you mean we're triplets and we have a sister?! Why do you know and I don't?! " i shouted. I was furious to the fact that I was oblivious to so many things. Why does he know? I thought with gritted teeth.

" You really don't remember? Do you? "

Remember what?

" Obviously not, tell me. Tell me now. "

" When we all were born, " he started. " it was Jamie, you, then me. We all grew up together until we were about 6. Then, our annual vacation came up, when we got on the boat, something made Jamie angry. She had an attitude with everyone, especially you, like you'd done something to her. Nobody would believe that she was beating you up, Mother and Father would think I did it or you'd hurt yourself, but on that one day... "
I saw tears start to well up in his eyes. Something bad must've really happened.
" On that day, in the pool, she grabbed you and pulled you under the water and repeatedly smashed your head against the base of the pool. Jamie just wouldn't stop no matter how much Mother cried out to her. I was in complete shock. You two were closer than clouds during a storm, we still don't know what set her off that day. I got her off of you, I couldn't let her do too much damage. You were my favorite. haha. So I jumped into the water and dived directly to her shoulders. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. By the time I came up the water started turning red and the medics were there bringing you up to surface. You were in the hospital for, weeks getting surgeries and all that jazz. And when you got out, you didn't remember anything that happened, the doctors said your memory would come back in a few days, guess it never did. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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