Chapter 4

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(Peter Pan's P.O.V) [YAY NEW P.O.V.]

Tink went inside the house looking for my shadow. While she was looking she woke up one of the girls. She went back to sleep after a few seconds. I went inside and looked around. Tink came up to me and said to follow her. I flew over to where she found my shadow. I opened the drawer and my shadow came out. It started dragging me around. Soon someone came up and saw my shadow. I flew up and watched. The lady walked to the bedroom and opened the door. My shadow was walking away but I grabbed it before it could get away. When the lady left I went back inside the room. I sat in front of one of the beds trying to get my shadow back on. It didn't work so I put my head down and silently cried.

(Elizabeth's P.O.V.)

I heard something get thrown at my head board so I woke up and looked. I saw a boy crying. I then said, "Boy," he looked up surprised and I continued. "Why are you crying?" He flew up to the ceiling and hit his head. I gasped, "You can fly." He looked past the chandler and saw me. Then he came back to the ground and bowed. I got out of my bed slowly and curtsied. I then asked, "What is your name?" Then he spoke, "What is your name?" Since he was a guest I answered first. "Elizabeth Rose." He then answered. "Peter Pan." "Where do you live?" I asked Peter. "Second to the right and straight on till morning." I walked a bit closer not wanting to scare him then asked another question. "Is that how they address your letters?" "I don't get any letters." "But your mother gets letters?" "I don't have a mother." When I heard that I stopped walking and stared at him. Then I spoke again but a little quieter, "I know how you feel, not having a mother." He looked me shocked. Then I continued, "So you were crying about your mother?" "I wasn't crying about mothers. I was crying because I couldn't get my shadow to stick." He went over to his shadow and tried tying it on. "And I wasn't crying." I looked at his shadow and him strangely when his shadow hit him. I walked over and sat down. Peter looked up and locked eyes with me. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach when we locked eyes. He looked away and grabbed his shadow and tried tying it on. Then I had an idea. "I could sew it on for you." His shadow grabbed him and I went to get a needle and thread. I went back to my spot and sat down. I grabbed his foot and his shadows foot. I started sewing on. Whenever he made a sound of pain I stopped and waited. I finished but realized I had nothing to cut the thread with. "May I borrow your knife to cut the thread?" He nodded and gave me his knife. I took it and cut the thread. "Thank you." I gave back his knife and watched as he made sure the shadow was on. He turned around and exclaimed, "Oh the cleverness of me." I looked at him realizing he took all the credit. "Ah and I did nothing." "Oh you did a little." I stood up deciding to go back to bed. "A little" I walked to my bed taking one last look at him and said, "Good Night," and pulled the covers over my head. "Elizabeth." I just ignored him. "You want to meet the lost boys they are well named." I sat up suddenly and asked, "Who are they?" He fell over and stood up quickly like nothing happened. He explained them to me. "If they are not claimed in 7 days they are sent to Neverland." When Peter said that I thought to myself, why didn't that happen to me? Then I asked, "Are there girls too?" "Girls are much too clever to fall into their hands." I looked at him strangely. "Peter you know a lot about girls." All he did was just smirk. I then thought of giving him something. Although I knew I was a little over board I knew it would be fine. "Peter I would like to give you a- a kiss." He stood up and put out his hand. I then knew he did not know what a kiss was. "Do you not know what a kiss is?" I asked. "I shall know when you give me one." I looked around and saw my thimble with a leaf on it. I never liked it but I think Peter would since his whole outfit was made of leaves. I grabbed it and put it in his hand. He took it and...smelled it? Then he asked, "I suppose I am to give you one?" I nodded my head and waited. He grabbed something and gave it to me. I took it and saw it was an acorn. "Thank you." I grabbed the clasp of my necklace and put on as a charm. When I put it back on I asked him, "How old are you Peter?" "Quite young." "Don't you know?" "I ran away. One night I heard my mother and father talking about what I was to do when I became a man. So I ran away to Kennedy Gardens and I meet Tink." "Who's Tink?" "Tinkerbell my fairy." "They actually exist?!" "Yes." "I have always wanted to meet a fairy. I even have a book about fairies." "Also don't say anything about" "Oh will it make a fairy die?" "How did you know?" "It was the way you trailed off. It sounded like you didn't want to finish the sentence." "Well it would be hard to find her if she's dead. But I can't find her." "It's okay. At least Wendy is asleep." "Why?" "She would want to give you a thimble." "What's that? You can show me if you want to." I hesitated thinking if I wanted to so I decided to kiss him on the cheek. I walked closer and closer. I was about to give him a kiss on the cheek but I felt my hair get pulled hence pulling me back. Peter yelled, "TINK!" She started to bang my head on my headboard. Peter grabbed Tink and threw her on my pillow. I looked at her and she started making motions. "She's not very polite. And if I try to give you a thimble again she'll kill me." I looked back to Peter who had a shocked face. I looked back at Tink and saw she had the same face. "What?" "You understood her. Only me and everyone on Neverland can understand her." I heard a bed move and I turned around to see Wendy awake. She got out of bed and asked, "Elizabeth who is this?" "This is Peter Pan. Peter this is Wendy." He then bowed to her. Wendy got up and curtsied. I ran up to her and whispered, "He thinks a kiss is a thimble and a thimble a kiss." I stepped back and said, "Don't give Peter a thimble or Tinkerbell will kill you." "Who is Tinkerbell?" "His fairy." "But fairies don't-"I ran over to her and covered her mouth. Peter ran up to us and told Wendy, "Don't say that. Whenever someone says that a fairy dies." "So there is an actual fairy in this room?" Tink flew up in the air. "Also she isn't very polite." I told Wendy. "I thought all fairies were polite." Tink went up to her face showed her her butt. Peter ran to the window but we ran after him. "Peter don't go," "I have to. Oh wait I don't know the rest of the Cinderella story." Wendy told Peter the rest of the story when I had an idea. "Peter why don't you give Wendy something like you gave me." Peter then gave Wendy an acorn and she put it on a chain and put it around her neck. "Well I better go I have to tell the rest of the Cinderella story." "But we have loads of stories and Elizabeth can sing too." "Then both of you come with me." While saying that he swatted Tink away. "But we don't know how to fly," I told Peter. "Then I will show you" He grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the window but I let go and went towards John and Michael's beds. I looked at Wendy knowing we had the same idea and asked at the same time, "Can John and Michael come too?" Peter came over to John and Michael's beds and looked at them. He looked back up at us and smiled. I smiled and started waking up Michael while Wendy woke up John. "Wake up. Wake up. Someone is here to teach us to fly." They woke up and looked at Peter strangely. Then John said, "You have fend reasons sir," and Michael nodded in agreement. Soon Peter started floating in the air surprising John and Michael. When Peter landed on John's headboard, John got up and said, "I should like to offend it with you." Peter started to explain how to fly, "Just think happy thoughts as they lift you into the air!" He flew up to the ceiling and sat criss cross. "It's easy." I closed my eyes and started thinking happy thoughts and suddenly I heard some gasps. I opened my eyes and looked down to see I was flying. I looked at Peter and said, "You're right, it is easy." John went into thought and said, "I've got it! I've got it!" He ran over to his bed on got on saying his happy thoughts out loud. He ran to the edge of his bed and jumped taking him to flight, but fell and rolled into the doll house. While Tink was laughing at him Peter grabbed her and some sparkling stuff went on John. He started to fly! Michael went on the bed and did the same thing as John other than rolling into the doll house. Half way through his own flight Peter put the sparkles on him and he continued to fly. I flew next to Peter and asked, "Can I put it on Wendy?" He put the stuff in my hands and I flew next to Wendy. I sprinkled it on her head and she started to fly. Peter flew to the window and started talking. "Now away to Neverland." Then Wendy, John, and Michael spoke, "But what about Mother, Father, and Nana?" Wendy knew that Peter only took boys who weren't claimed in 7 days so we decided not to tell him about me being an orphan. Instead of answering he said, "There are mermaids," and Wendy and I flew up, "Indians," and John and Michael flew up. Then he said something we could all agree on, "Pirates!" Then John flew out the window followed by Michael. Wendy and I floated down and walked to the window. Wendy hesantly flew out but waited for me. I turned around and looked at the room where I grew up. Then Peter whispered in my ear, "Forget them Elizabeth, forget them all. Come with me and never have to worry about grown up things again." I turned to him and said, "Never is awfully long time." All he did was smile and offer his hand. I took it and we were off. We flew through London. While I was taking in the scenery I saw my old home. Wendy noticed and put a hand on my shoulder. We continued until we got to the place the party Mr. and Mrs. Darling were at. We all said hello except for John and Michael. John stole someone's hat while Michael just screamed. We followed Peter to the second to the right and continued on. I tuned everything out until I heard Michael yell, "Lizzy grab onto my ankle!" Then I yelled to Wendy, "Wendy take hold of my ankle!" When she grabbed on Peter yelled, "Whatever happens don't! Let! GO!" We started going fast. The Darlings screamed while I laughed with joy. Soon we let go and saw that we were in Neverland.


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