Unconditional love: Jahlil Okafor (Lanaya)

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Lanaya POV

I'm finally finish curling my black and brown hair the flows over my shoulders...Now I'm looking at myself in the mirror trying to make sure I look good... I have a red long sleeve dress the comes above the knee with my black red bottoms...

I have a date tonight with boyfriend Jahlil we been together for 3 years and I hope things good this time...I grabbed my cellphone and purse and headed downstairs where Jah was waiting on me ...

"Well don't we look good" I said kissing him

"Always baby girl.. you ready to go" he said

"Yeah lets you go"

After I locked my door I went to the car where Jah opened the door for me like the gentleman he is...After letting me in he jogged to the other side and got in & we was off to our destination...

Skipping Car Ride


I hope things go well because I know me and Lanaya others date has went down hill to fast...We pulled up to The BlueSatt( made up) and got out in went on inside....

We got inside and the waiter guided us to our table and to our order for our drinks but he kept look at Lanaya like she was a damn peace of meat or some stuff and flirting with her..

Lanaya POV

I can see Jah getting very angry because of the waiter is looking at me a lil to hard... this is about to be a fight watch...

"Why you letting him flirt with you like that" Jah spat at me..

"Look wtf do want me to do? You acting like I was sleeping with the guy"

"Shii if I wasn't here you probably would've" I heard him mumble..

"You know what take me home I'm such and tired of your bull" I said getting up and walking out the restaurant...

Soon Jah came out and unlocked the car the door and got in and drove back home... The entire was ride we fuss and I'm so done with him I can't stay here no longer...


When we got to the house Lanaya went straight upstairs... I can get hear her fumbling and moving things so I walk upstairs...

When I got upstairs Lanaya was in the closet throwing her things in a box and going on a mini rant to herself...

"Why are you putting your stuff in the box" I said as I sat on the bed...

"Because I'm tired of this ok I'm so done with you" she said as she came to my face yelling at me...

"So you breakin up with me" I tried to say in a calmly matter...


"You gone let 3 years down the drain" I said getting now towering over her...

"I don't care now move Jah" she said as she tired to walk away..

Before she could walk away in farther I wrapped my arms around her and whispered into her ear that I love her and how much care about her...

"Jah you don't care so stop saying that" she said..

"Well if you don't believe me let me show you how much I care" I responded...

Lanaya POV

Jah started to take off my dress and my heels after he did that he pushed  me on the bed lightly.... He kissed from my face down to my women hood...

He started to eat me out..His licks was slow which is driving me crazy and I could feel my high coming already...

"Yes, daddy" I moaned..

You came all over his tongue and your juices was all over his face...Jah came back up and smirked at me...He stripped out of his clothes and lined himself at my woman hood....

He put his tip at my folds and teased me..Jah does something to my body that I can't control...

"Daddy don't tease" I begged him...

That's all I had to say...Jah hitting from angle and I couldn't take it and I could feel my high coming again...

"Jahhhhh I'm bout to cum" I moaned...

Jah quicken his pace and his thrusts got sloppier... We both came out of time couldn't do nothing but just lay there and try to catch our breath...

"I know we have our ups and down but baby please don't ever leave me" Jah said trying to catch his breath...

"I promise" I responded and kiss him on the cheek and went to sleep...



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