Pool: Devin Booker (Emma)

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Devin POV

It was 1:40 in the morning and I was in bed watching old re-runs of Hey Arnold when I got a text from my girlfriend Emma texted me.


Come to my place💖💞

To Baby girl😍😙😛

Do you see what time it is I have to be up early babe?


Just come okay and if you don't we're going to have some problems😒👌💯

I laughed at her last text and didn't even text her back. I got up & slipped on some basketball shorts and a Phoenix Suns shirt & put on my Nike slides and headed for the door.


I pulled out my spare key to Emma house and made my way inside. I took a guess and walked upstairs to see if she's in her room but she wasn't. I looked in the bathroom and she wasn't there either.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen & she wasn't there but I did notice someone in the pool in the backyard. I made my way outside and indeed it was her.

"Hey baby" I said as I got closer to the pool.

Emma had her back facing me and was looking up at the sky. She turned around smiled as she saw me.

"Hey papi" she said as she begin to swim towards me.

"So what you need at 2:15 in the morning" I said looking at my iPhone 6 and placing it back in my pocket.

"I wanted to see you before I leave tomorrow is that a problem" she said holding on the edge of the pool.

"Not at all baby but I have practice at 7 and if I'm tired and off game coach is gonna fry my ass" I said causing her to laugh.

"He'll understand papi now get in with me please" she begged giving me her puppy dog face.

Emma POV

After convincing Devin he slipped out his shirt, basketball shorts and boxers. He stepped into the pool as I swam over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he draped his around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you" I said looking into his eyes that I love oh so much.

"I'm going to miss you too but we can Facetime anytime when we're both free" he said pecking my lips.

I pouted and thought about the fact I'm going to be thousands of miles away from Devin b/ I got to go back home to Lexington to check on father b/c he is sick. I was knocked out my thoughts by Devin when he pressed his lips against my neck.

"You alright baby" he asked as he kept nibbling on my spot.

"Y-yeah I fine" I said which came out as a whimper.

Devin hands begin to roam my ass and giving it a good squeeze causing me to squeal. He cuffed my swimsuit bottoms with his fingers and pulled them off & untied my swimsuit top leaving me completely naked.

Devin lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me hungrily and slipped his tongue into my mouth, as he walked backwards until his back hit the pool wall.

"Put my dick in you" he demanded as I reached down putting it me.

Devin has never been demanding during sex but I'm totally loving it.

"Damn papi" I said biting my lip & clawing at his back as he slowly stroke inside me.

"Feels good doesn't it" he said huskily it my ear as I nodded my head b/c my words would come out.

I begin to grinded myself against Devin to get more pleasure if its even possible right now.

"Shit" He said grabbing onto my ass & slamming into me.

"Mmm" I moaned.

Devin POV

Emma felt so good & tight, I could feel myself close to cumming. The sound of her moans is music to my ears & I loved it. I could feel Emma walls tight around me so I know she was about to cum.

"Papi I'm bout to cum" she moaned.

"Me too" I said as she begin to grind herself onto me even harder.

We kept at this for 15seconds and we both came leaving Emma mouth in the 'O' shape & my mind blown away.

"I love you" she said pecking my lips.

"I long you too" I said holding her close to me.

"You know what we should do now" she said with a cheeky grin on her face.

"What" I asked curiously.

"Round 2 in the shower" she responded turning that grin into a smirk

Before she could even finish I was swimming to the pool steps to head inside with her still wrapped around my waist.


For @embooker32


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