Going Away:Robin Lopez (Autumn)

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Autumn POV

I'm so tired of school I really just want to quit but I can't because I have to many goals in life... But then this nursing class is really kicking my ass.. I'm just ready to get home to my baby so we can cuddle...

After driving about 20 minutes I pulled up to Robin and I house...I got my things out the car and went straight into the house..

"Babe" I yelled looking around the house for Robin...

"Up here sweetheart" he respond...

I walk upstairs following the sound of the noise leading me to our bedroom... When I walked into the room I was dumbfounded and shock because he was packing up his things...

"Uhh baby where are you going" I said asking over to him slowly...

"You might be pissed about this but I've been traded and I'm going to New York to play for the Knicks" he said slightly smiling ...

"Why would I be pissed about that and that still doesn't explain to me why you're packing your clothes"

"I have to leave early tomorrow morning to get to New Yo-"

"But what about me" I said feeling my eyes start to water up..

"I'm gonna come back for you I promise ok let me just figure something's out and get a house their and then after that you can move to New York" he said grabbing my waist hugging me...

"What about school" I said...

"Your grades are perfect I'm sure you can get your things transferred to a school there"

"Ok I guess" I said sighing...

"Look don't think I'm leaving you forever it's just a temporary thing until I get my things together there and we'll be back together" said kissing my head...

"Well since it's your last night with me how do you want to spend it" I said...

"Let's cuddle for a while" he said as I nodded my head..

I layed down and he did the same.. We laid there for while until he pecked my lips which turned into a super make out session..

I climbed on top of him and straddle his waist. I put his above his head as my lips moved to his neck..

"Babe" he moaned in my ear...

He couldn't take it so he decided to take control and flipped over so he was on top and he ripped my clothes off with his...he then put my legs over his shoulder and and went to work.. He starts to tease me and then made his tongue move fast which cause me to cum all over him...

"Shitttt Robin" I moan gripping on to his hair...

He came up and kissed me and rammed into me without warning and begins to give me long hard strokes..

"I'm bout to come" I moaned out...

"You better not" he said in a demanding tone...

I wrapped my legs around his waist and started grinding against him...He grabbed my hips meeting my grinds with his thrust...

"Shit" I hissed as my body start to shake violently...

I arched my back as I felt my juice flow out of me...Robin starts to thrust faster wear you can hear I skin slapping together and soon he came too...

"Think about how we going to break the bed in when you move to New York" Robin said laughing

"You're so childish" I said and giggle at him...



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