Parents House:Klay Thompson (Taylor)

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Taylor POV

"Ok mama we'll be there in like the next 30 minutes" I said into the phone to my mother...

You see me and my boyfriend Klay are going to DC for one of his games and my mother being the nice person she is said that we could stay there instead of staying at a hotel... Which was fine with Klay and I....

"Aye babe let's go our ride is here" Klay said to me as he grabbed my suitcase...

Klay put our things in the back of the car while I got in and gave the driver the directions to my mother house...Klay got in and we was off to my mother house...

Soon we pulled up to my mother house and I didn't hesitate to get in the house... I ran straight and jumped onto my sister and mom....

"Girl if you don't get off of me" My sister said hitting my leg...

"I miss you guys" I said hugging my sister and mother..

"We miss you too but where is Klay I thought he was staying too" my mom responded...

"I'm right here Taylor ran into the house and left me Klay said walking over to my mom and sister hugging them...

"Where's Grandma ma" I said looking around..

"She'll be back later but for right now you and Klay freshin up while me and you sister finish making dinner" my mother said pushing towards the stairs...


Since this Klay first time staying here I showed him a couple of rooms in the house then I took him to my old room...

I walked into my room with Klay on my trial and heard a click sound... I turned around to talk to him but when j turned around Klay grabbed my face and kissed me...

As we were kissing he laid me on the bed and got on top of me. My bed was pretty big so we had so much space...Klay starts to deepen the kiss but I remembered my mother and sister is downstairs...

"Klay baby my sister and mother is downstairs we can't do this" I said trying to stop him...

"The door is look baby and if you be quite they won't know we are even doing anything" he said kissing my neck...

"No Klay we'll do it when we get back home" I responded...

"Please its been a week and look you already have me hard" he said pointing to the bulge in his pants...

"Ok" I said rolling my eyes as Klay attacked me with kisses...

He took off both of our clothes and threw them across the room...He crawled back on top of me and didn't waste time... He rammed into me...

"SHI-" I said loudly as Klay kissed me before the I could finish...

"You gotta stay quite of you don't want to get caught" he said slowing his pace...

He rammed into me again and I clawed his back trying to hold back moans so hard...

"Do you want it babe" he said as he flipped me over so I was on all fours...

"Yes" I moan lowly...

I bit my lip as he gripped a handful of my hair and pulling it as he pound into me hard...I was biting my lip so hard that I can taste blood in my mouth...

"Daddy I'm bout to come ahhh" I came a over Klay and his thrust start to get sloppier and he soon came too..

"Did you think they heard us babe" I said laying beside Klay...

All he did was smirk and got up and went to the bathroom to get in the shower leaving me there....



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