Honeymoon:Kevin Love (Alex)

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Alex POV

I'm so excited..! Yesterday I went from being Alex Dunleavy now to Mrs.Love... Yes I'm married to Kevin Love and I can't believe it...

The wedding was big and beautiful we had my family and his family also our friends and some of the other NBA players...

Kevin and I are about to go to the airport to go to Oahu for our honeymoon.. It was post to be a surprise but I found the plane tickets lol...

"Baby are you ready" Kevin yelled from the bottom of the steps...

"Yeah honey I'm coming" I respond as I walked downstairs...

"What took you so long babe" Kevin laughed as we walked out the house as he locked it up...

"Oh my brother Mike called and said have fun but not to much fun on the honeymoon" I said as we got into the car...

"Uhhh I can't make no promises on that one" he said which kind of made me blush...

We pulled out the yard and headed to the airport it didn't take us but about 30mins to get there and about 15 for us to go through security...And wait till we boarded up for our plane...


Kevin POV

It feels good to be a married man.. I finally say I have someone that I can officially say is mine and I'm excited happy about that!

We finally made it to Oahu and now we are on our way to the hotel to get things started!...

As soon we got to the hotel and got ourselves settled in I immediately wanted to got check things out....

"Sweetheart do you come with me to check some things out.?" I questioned...

"Nah you go ahead I'll be here when you get back" Alex said quickly...

"Alright, I'll be back in like a hour ok" I walked over and kissed her...

"Ok" she said....

Alex POV

As Kevin I start to set things up I pulled out candles and lit them and put out a few rose but not many...

I went to into the bathroom and took a quick shower and put on this lingerie and Kevin's favorite perfume.. By the time I was finishing what I was doing it done been an hour and Kevin should be back soon...

I hide in the bathroom and waited for and 10 more minutes for Kevin and he soon showed up...

"I'm back honey" I heard Kevin yell...

"Did you have fun sweetie" I said stepping out the bathroom causing Kevin eyes to go wide...

"Wow" Kevin said walking over to my grabbing my waist...

"I'm guessing you lie what you see" I said giggling...

"I sure do" he said...

Kevin then crashed his lips into mine while he moved his hands to my butt... He gripped my butt which caused me to moan as he slipped his tongue into my mouth...

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him... He walked over to the bed and laid me down...

Kevin started kissing and sucking on my neck lightly leaving marks everywhere.... Kevin soon ripped my lingerie off and took off his shirt and kiss down to my stomach....

He took off his pants & boxers then he pulled my panties off...He soon lined himself at my entrance and slammed into me...

"I love you so much baby" Kevin moaned out as his pace started to speed up...

Something about this time felt different..Its a good different but Kevin had me speechless...

"Fuckkk I love you too K-Kev" I said scratching good back...

"Do you like it" he said whispering in my ear...

"Y-yess" I moaned as I arched my back...

Kevin slowed down trying to tease me and I was a moaning mess as he pound into me each time...My body start shaking violently and I felt this feeling in my stomach and I know what it was...

"I'm bout to cum baby " I said panting...

"Cum then babe" Kevin said...

I released and a few minutes I could feel Kevin pounds get sloppier and I knew he was about to cum...He soon came and plopped down beside me and looked at me...

"I still can't believe we're married" I said still panting...

"Well you better believe because now we're each others forever" Kevin said laughing....

"I that's right" I said staring at the ceiling giggling...

"I love you Alex" Kevin said..

"I love you too Kevin" I said pecking his lips before I drift off to sleep...



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