First Date: Ryan Arcidiacono (Andrea)

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Andrea POV

I was running around my room like a chicken with his head cut off... I was stressing already because I was going on a date with Ryan Arcidiacono and I'm nervous....

I'm looking for my phone which I can't remember where I sat it...My best friend Rosa is helping me look for it but she's still no help...

There was a knock a the door with made my nervousness level go from 50 to 278...

"Look Andrea don't stress it and go answer the door while I keep looking for your phone"

I sighed and walked into the living room and answered the door to be greeted by Ryan..

"Hey Andrea, are you ready" he said...

"Not exa-"

"Yes, she is" Rosa said running up to me handing me my phone and purse...

"I guess I am"

"Alright let's go" he said...

Before I stepped out the house I turned to Rosa and gave her hug... I walked to Ryan where he had the door open for me... I slipped into the as he shut the door and jogged to his side...

"So where we going" I asked as he got in started the car...

"Can't tell you beautiful" he responded as he pulled out my drive way causing me to blush....

The car ride was better than I thought...I thought it was gonna be quite and awkward but it was the complete opposite...

We attempted sing The Weeknd Can't Feel My Face & we made snapchat videos... Ryan was a complete clown and this makes me even like him more...

After about 40 minutes we pulled up to the most expensive restaurant in town called The Crystal Dragon...

"Umm Ryan what are we doing here" I said...

"For our date, come on"

"You know this the most expensive restaurant in town right" I asked getting out slowly...

"I do but it doesn't matter I want to treat you like a princess tonight" he said causing butterflies in my stomach....

As Ryan lead the way he pushes to big crystal doors we made toward the reservation lady I was awe because everything in here was gorgeous...

"Name please sir" the middle age women asked...

" Arcidiacono" Ryan replied...

"Ah right this way" as she leading us to our table...

I noticed a few things like a man playing a harp in the corner... Huge framed pictures up on the walls and the beautiful chandeliers...

As the lady sits us Ryan tells her thank you before leaving... I was still looking around but I couldn't help it because that's how beautiful it was...

The waiter that looks about 23 with  a bowl haircut comes and takes order for appetizers and drinks...

"So Andrea tell me something about you other than you play volleyball" Ryan asked...

"Well, I'm wanna be a physical therapist for either the Carolina panthers or the Miami Heat...I'm a very sporty girl, I love being around my friends and family & I like to watch sappy love movies" I said causing Ryan to laugh about the last part....

"Physical therapist huh... You'll help me if I got hurt or something" he asked..

"Sure all you have to do is scream my name"

I could tell by the smirk on his face I knew he was about to say something freaky but right on cue the waiter came back with our drink and appetizers... As the waiter took the order for  main dish we dug into the appetizers...

After getting our main dishes the rest of the date was filled with laughter, tasting each others foods and even a little sexual tension...


Ryan POV

I pulled up to Andrea driveway and cut my car off...I hoped out and went to open the Andrea...

"Thank you Ryan"

"You welcome princess"

As I walked her up to her door we she turned to me before going inside...

"You know Ryan tonight was perfect and I had fun" she said smiling...

"Yeah, I'm glad you had a good time"

"Well let get inside because I know Rosa is waiting up for me" she said...

"Wait" I said...


I cut her off with a long passionate kiss...Before the kiss got heated we pulled away to see Rosa standing in the window smiling real big...

"Goodnight Andrea, I hope we can do this again"

"Definitely" she said as she turned on her heels and walked into the house...

Before I could walk off the porch I could hear bombarding Andrea with billions of questions...


For @zobeeelll

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