Caught: Kevin Love

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The best thing about being married to a basketball player is that you can go to every game and be his cheerleader.!

The Cavaliers are playing against the Celtics and so far the Cavaliers are winning it's 5 minutes left in the first quarter..The whole team was doing great...

I looked done at my phone cause I felt it vibrate it was my best friend Alyssa asking about a girls trip... In mid the of me texting her back I looked up and saw this guy guarding Kevin...

Kevin and the other guy got tangled up and the guy pulled down on Kevin's arm and it popped his left shoulder out of place...I can see pain written all over Kevin's face...

Kevin just grabbed his shoulder and takes off in full speed to the looker room with the trainers hot on his trails...

I hopped up out my seats and went towards the locker room... I got to the locker room door and was about to go in but one of the trainers came up to me...

"Mrs.Love I know you're very concerned about your husband but pls give us a couple of minutes and let us see what we can do ok" the trainer said...

I signed and crossed my arms.

"Fine but tell him I'm waiting out here ok"..

"Will do" the trainer said and went back into the room...

I waited and waited for what felt like hours but it was only 5 minutes...I was about to knock on the locker room door but before I could the site swung up...

"He's waiting for you and watch the shoulder" the trainer said as I walked in...

Kevin POV

One minute I'm out there playing my ass off now I'm back here in the locker room with a hurt shoulder...I'm not really complaining because now my wife is here...

"What happen baby"she said coming over and kissing me..

"My shoulder was dislocated but the kind of popped back into place and wrapped it up but they want me to go to the doctor in the morning" I explained...

"Aww poor baby"she responded kissing me again...

But this time I deepens the kiss and grab onto her waist pulling closer to me gripping her butt...

"Babe stop someone might walk in" she giggled backing up...

"Nahhh the trainers said I get dress and the team still have another quarter to play til halftime" I said pulling her back...


He got off the examine bed and told me to get on it...I listen to his instructions... All this was to much for me...He unblocked my belt and removed my jeans..

He pulled down my pink lace panties and dipped his tongue into me... My body responded immediately and start shivering and shaking...

I was about to cum but Kevin stopped..

"Why did you stop baby" I whined..

"Stop that whining" he said in a demanding tone...

I did as told and just looked at Kevin... He was pulling down his basketball short and his member sprang out hitting my thigh...He lined himself at my entrance and rammed into me...

Kevin POV

Mya Covered her mouth to stop her loud moaning as I sped up but I knew know one would her because the fans cheering so much..

"Don't cover your mouth baby girl..know one can hear you ok let it out" I pumped into her deeper..

Her moans and my grunts was the only thing that I can hear..I was giving her know mercy..

I can tell that I was hitting her g-spot every time because of the way she was scratching up my back..

"Ayo K.Love you stra-" J.R. Smith said busting in the locker room with the other teammates behind him..

Mya screamed trying to cover up her body..

"Ok everyone out" Kyrie said pushing the team out...

After the team finally got out you can hear them laughing and saying that I'm the man...Mya got off the examine bed and cleaned her self up and pulled her panties & jeans back up...

"That was so embarrassing"

"Know it wasn't babe" I said grabbing her arm...

"Maybe not for you but for me yes it is" she pouted...

"Look don't worry they won't say a thing ok"

She nodding in response and grab her phone and purse and headed back out to catch the rest of halftime but before she got halfway down the hall the whole team just said..

"Byeeeee Mya" while smiling...

I know I won't hear the end of this from them ..



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