Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I sit on my bed motionless, surprise blanks my mind while excitement erupts in my stomach. I can't believe this was happening to me! I, Taylor Hastings, have been excepted into THE Elliot Falls Academy. I read the letter over and over again making sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Dear Miss Hastings,
Elliot Falls Academy is a school known for its high level academic and extra curricular teaching. After careful consideration we select only a handful of students who fit our criteria and would make a good addition to our academy. Only a certain amount are granted a place every year, let alone a scholarship.

After great consideration, Elliot Falls Academy offers you, Taylor Hastings, a full sporting scholarship. If accepted, the parents of the student must contact administration.

We hope to hear back from you soon, another tour day will be held in December. Please inform administration if attending. Classes continue, starting late January. For further information please check out our website or email us.
Mrs Janet Kingston

I've re-read it about 30 times but haven't shown mum or dad. I sit there in pure disbelief before running downstairs showing my parents excitedly. I never actually expected to have one given to me. It was a dream come true.


2 days later

Today was the day, for me to finally face Storm. He was my heart horse and has been my partner in crime for years. The palomino gelding was a 16hh Arabian thoroughbred mix. However, sadly Storm didn't belong to Bluestone, or me.

I ride him in a lesson once a week and other times I can make it to the stables. I've been avoiding the stables ever since I got the acceptance letter, I feel terrible that I'm leaving him. Seeing him in the holidays wasn't the same as seeing him daily.

Walking down to the isles of the barn, he sticks his head over the stall door nickering at me for attention. I pet him on the neck before giving him a treat. I've ridden Storm for about 3 years now, his owner, Jaz is never really around. The showy gelding was a project of hers that she never finished.

When he came to Bluestone Equestrian Center, he was super green and frisky. But after three years of consistent training, Storm had become my trusting eventing horse. Although I only leased him, the 7 year old was like my own. His sweet and loving personality made him an enjoyable horse to be around.

Grabbing his worn halter, I step into his stable and buckle up his halter. Once secured, I lead him out and do our usual routine. When  he's all tacked up, I put my helmet on then mount. I laugh at his enthusiasm as he starts waking forward before I'm even on him properly.

He was an angel as usual during the lesson. We practiced dressage, our strongest discipline. But eventually we move onto practicing show jumping, our favourite discipline. Since our barn was specialised in dressage, I didn't spend as much time as I liked practicing jumping.

As the lesson comes to an end, I walk Storm in slow lazy circles. That was until someone stops right in front of me. It was Tiffany Lea, the girl that's despised me for eternity.

"Could you have ridden more slower today? I could feel a head ache coming along just watching you" she groans.

"Have you got dementia? Last time I checked you were the one picking up the wrong canter leads" I said rolling my eyes before walking off.

Harsh, I know. But she didn't respond and that's all I wanted. Silence. People like Tiffany don't bother me that much with their snarky opinions. Caring about people like that is just an inconvenience. Although I can't say it never gets to me, otherwise I would kidding myself.

After removing all Storm's tack, I hose him down as a special treat. It was a reward since he worked really hard today. Storm was a waterbaby.

I swipe off the water before letting him graze on some grass outside. When he dried up completely I groomed him down and put his rugs on before releasing him into his big pasture.

I walk back to the barn trying not to think about leaving him after the winter holidays. It was going to be hard for me to leave but I knew Bluestone would take great care of Storm. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to ride at a school as prestigious as Elliot Falls Academy. I wished I could take him with me...


Later I knew something was off when I saw Jaz, Storms owner. She was talking to Tiffany. They were smiling and laughing together before going their separate ways.

"I can't believe I've been so gifted" Tiffany says in a sing song voice, I roll my eyes not really caring.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I ask just to humour her.

"Let me see... you're leaving and Storm may become mine to lease" she replies smugly.

I try not to freeze up when I hear her say that.

"Go bother someone else Tiffany" I sigh.

"You don't believe me? Go ask her yourself. Unfortunately I don't think I could pass up such an offer. Storm's highly skilled, it would be a shame if he went to waste" she says in a condescending voice before waltzing off happily.

Feeling extremely flustered, I race in the direction Jaz went.

"Jaz wait up" I call after her.

"Oh hi Taylor, what's up?" she answers turning around.

"Is it really true?? You're leasing Storm out to Tiffany!?" I press.

"....well as of right now I think it's in Storm's best interest. I may even sell..." she sighs.

"What! Why? That's so unfair" I yell, gaining some attention.

"I'm really sorry Taylor, but I don't have the money at the moment. I would be more then happy to sell him to you... but I know how your parents are. At least if Tiffany leases or buys Storm, you'll still see him in the holidays" Jaz sighs.

"You could've chosen anyone at Bluestone but you ask Tiffany?" I argue.

"I'm sorry Taylor, I know it's hard but I'm sure you'll get your own horse soon enough..." she sighs again.

"But-" I stutter.

"I've gone through all my options, I really have but I'm sorry, it's just not going to work out" she says sympathetically.

I was to shocked to say anything when Jaz says a quiet goodbye.

I can't believe it, how could she do this to Storm and I. I turn around and run to Storms paddock, tears filling my eyes. No, this can't be happening I think to myself. Storm notices me and trots over before sticking his head over the fence.

I decide to go into the paddock, before I knew it I couldn't hold my tears any longer, I hug Storm crying into his neck. This was all my fault, I was going to lose him... and probably to Tiffany!

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